(Not) London (Marinette)

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Marinette couldn't believe she'd let Adrien in on that little nickname she'd kept between herself and her diary. The mortification was still strong in the evening as she prepared to meet Kagami.

Adrien, not accepting that she did actually have work she needed to do, had rung her an hour ago, begging her to fly over again. But she had to restrain herself. As much as she wanted to go and smother herself in his kisses, she still had university work to do, and deadlines to keep.

The break from him was needed. Ever since the engagement, it had been a whirlwind of emotions and...Adrien. He'd been with her all the time and she was becoming too reliant on him again.

Yes, she'd said she loved him, and he had most certainly responded (her lips were still healing from the intensity of the kisses) - but there was still that small, nagging doubt hanging around in what was otherwise a party going on in her head.

She had to believe that his affection wasn't just a lingering feeling from being fake engaged to her. And yes, she knew he wouldn't lie to her, not when it involved her feelings too.

So why couldn't she just believe it and be happy!

"What time will you be back?"

Her father caught her just as she was leaving the apartment, what looked like a thimble of tea held in his huge giant hands.

"Not sure. Kagami mentioned Félix is away, so she might want the company."

Tom nodded. "Well, I'm going to get your mother from the station at about nine, so make sure you have your keys with you just in case."

"Sure." She stepped forward, lifting up onto her toes and pressing a kiss to her father's cheek.

"Oh, and Marinette..."

"Yes." She turned around and looked at her father, catching his eyes fixed on her, brimming with a love that filled her heart with warmth.

His eyes were tender, like a protective shield around her, and his smile spoke of pride and affection.

In that moment, she felt safe, cherished, and deeply understood, knowing that she was the centre of her father's world.

His look said more than words ever could, reassuring her of their unbreakable bond and the unwavering support he offered her every day.

"Have a great evening," he said.

She gave him a small smile before turning and walking out the door, her heart more full of love than it had ever been.

Marinette and Kagami had no issues getting into 'Mechu', which wasn't surprising as not only was Marinette marrying a world-renowned actor, Kagami was still big with her fencing, joining Kim on Olympic tours and teams. Not that they got on.

They were led through the bar — which later transformed into a club — heading to the back of the bar, the most sophisticated and sensual dining place she'd ever seen.

It was dark, no windows on the walls due to the depth of the bar. It was buried into the wall and not too far away from Marinette's favourite sewer — the less said about that the better.

They sat opposite each other, menu being handed down to them, when something huge almost blinded Marinette.

Waiting for privacy from prying eyes, Marinette reached out and snatched Kagami's hand. "What is this?"

There was no mistake. Marinette knew what that was; she just wanted the confirmation. Kagami looked from their hands into Marinette's eyes, a display of emotion Marinette had never seen on her friend's face before.

Kagami looked undisputedly happy.

Like really, really happy!

Like 'sitting in a crowded movie theatre, seeing Adrien butt-double for an Avenger the first time' happy. On a big screen and in IMAX.

"Looks like we're going to be family," Kagami said.

Marinette squealed before standing up and running around to pull her friend from her seat. She wrapped her arms around Kagami, almost suffocating her.

With a chuckle, Kagami removed herself from Marinette's arms and sat back down in the chair.

"I wanted you to be the first to know." Kagami's words hit her hard in the chest. With Adrien's sudden engagement announcement, she never got to tell anyone before the party. And if anyone deserved to know, it was Kagami.

"I'm sorry I didn't let you know about me and Adrien. It all just came out really suddenly. We didn't have time to prepare."

Kagami waved her off. "Don't worry. Adrien spoke to me and Félix after your father accepted."

"But it should have been me."

"Why? Because I thought I loved Adrien when I was 14? That was years ago, Marinette." She stretched out, grabbing Marinette's hand and holding it caringly. The ring was gorgeous, and not too dissimilar to hers. She twisted Kagami's hand side to side, her eyebrows creasing, before she brought her left hand up beside it.

She looked between the two rings. There was only a small difference between them. Kagami's had a sheen of purple, while Marinette's had a glint of pink.

"This is another reason I needed to see you. I wanted to compare them. I mean, the story is just so beautiful, I wanted to see if it was real."


Marinette looked between the rings again, intense confusion pulling on her eyebrows. This was a prop ring...wasn't it?

"I'm sorry." Marinette moved her hand away to rub her head. "I'm just a little confused."

She was almost certain Adrien had told her the ring was from someone he knew in costume. That it wasn't a real diamond.

Kagami frowned too. Her hand remained on the table. "Your ring, like mine, is part of the Graham De Vanily heritage. Twin rings for twin sisters. I thought Adrien would have told you that."

"Twin rings? Are you telling me this is real?"


Kagami examined Marinette as though she'd gone insane. Trying to think of a way out of it, Marinette glanced at the menu in hope of support.

"I just...I didn't know the story was true. I thought he was making it up." She smiled at Kagami, her friend giving away nothing in return.

"Give me your hand."

Tentatively, Marinette stretched out. Holding a hand out for Kagami, her friend placed her own next to it and twisted her finger. The two rings connected like friendship charms, and there was no doubt in Marinette's mind that the ring was real - which could only mean one thing...

The proposal had been real, too.

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