XXIII. The New Girl

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"EDS? Edweirdo? Edwardo? Edmund?" 

The new girl so entranced Edward that he wasn't paying attention to his own family.

Lyra was quite entertained by this whole thing.

"How many different ways are you going to say Edward?" Emmett asked.

Lyra shrugs, "just enough times that he pays attention to me," Lyra begins to wave her hand in his face finally sick of the talking way.

Edward looked at her, "huh?"

"What were you staring at?" Lyra asked looking around.

Edward shook his head, "nothing."

"It's that new girl," Alice points out.

"New girl?" Ariana asked.

Alice looks over subtly at Bella Swan.

NIKO SAT WITH SAM IN THE CAFE waiting for her birth mother to show up for a talk. Yeah, she still hasn't left yet, and neither have Jessie or Sebastian. Luckily every other visitor had gone home.

"Are you sure about this?" Sam asked.

"If we don't, she'll keep calling and finding a way to find us," Niko sighs.

"As if she'd have a chance," Sam shook his head.

Niko looked at him about to tell him when, "more like as you have any chance, wolf boy," Debra walked over sitting down across from them, "I could slit my own throat and you'd die right now-"

"Stop it!" Sam hisses, "this is not the place and your daughter doesn't need your problems-"

Niko shook her head, "I'm not going back with you, I'm sorry, but I haven't been a Lebeau in a long time."

"What? Your Niko Uley now?" She mocks.

"Not yet," Niko simply answers making Sam look at her, "but this baby will be taking their father's name. And I will one day too. But for now, I'm a Foxx. I will always be my mother's daughter."

"But that is not who you are," she hisses.

The pregnant witch glared at her, "I do not need advice on how to live from the woman who resented her daughter so much for killing her abusive husband-" the plates began to shake as Sam got in alert, "that she sent her away forever!"

"Niko," Sam pulled her hand to his chest as she looked at him, "do you want to go?"

"I do," Niko stood up.

Debra quickly stood up as well, "you haven't even eaten yet-"

"I ate at home," Niko responds sharply, "I just came here to say goodbye."

Debra shook her head, "no-"

Niko pulled away from her, "my baby is almost here, and I don't want a stranger around them," she walked past her.

LATER THAT DAY IN CLASS Edward began to text the group chat.


Get me out of this hell!


You've been killing me since we got into gym, which by the way being Edweirdo's gym partner fucking sucks


Don't worry, Edweirdo, I have the same feeling about school

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