Chapter 16

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When Chan woke up, he realized that something was wrong. Bewildered, he sat up and noticed two things. On the one hand, that he had only slept for three hours and on the other hand, that he was alone in bed.

He felt panic rise in him and jumped out of bed. First he looked in the guest room, but Jisung wasn't there.

He felt like he had to throw up right away. Slowly he steered his steps to the living room, but even there he couldn't find Jisung.

Just as he wanted to turn around and run back to his bedroom to look for his phone, he noticed the cool breeze that blew in through an open balcony door.

His hand trembled slightly as he opened the door further and it cost him a lot of overcoming to step on the balcony. The fear that Jisung wasn't there either was incredibly big.

But finally he stepped on the balcony and found Jisung asleep in his rocking chair.

He was almost collapsed with relief.

He quickly walked over to him, lifted him up and carried him back to his bedroom.

Just as he put him on the bed, Jisung opened his eyes and looked at him tired.

Chan lay down next to him and pulled him into his arms. "I'm so sorry I got loud earlier... Please never run away again... I was terribly afraid that you were gone..." Chan whispered and pressed an almost desperate kiss on Jisung's lips.

"I'm sorry.. I just couldn't fall asleep..." Jisung murmured and wrapped his arms around the older.

After taking a deep breath, Chan pressed another kiss on Jisung's lips and finally nodded. "Do you think you can sleep now?"

Jisung shrugged his shoulders and snuggled a little closer to Chan. "We'll see."

"Wake me up if you can't sleep again..," Chan murmured and closed his eyes yawning.

"I will," Jisung murmured, pressed his lips against Chan's shoulder and closed his eyes.

This time he managed to fall asleep and in bed with Chan it was definitely more comfortable than on the rocking chair.


The next time Chan woke up, Jisung lay snuggled close to him and the world was all right again.

Yawning, he stretched out and then pulled the younger one even closer to him. He gently stroked his back and closed his eyes again for a moment.

Just as he thought about getting up and taking a shower, Jisung began to move in his arms and finally yarned.

Smiling, Chan opened his eyes again and looked lovingly at the younger one. "Good morning my handsome," he said quietly.

"Good morning," Jisung murmured and kissed Chan fleetingly before he buried his face on Chan's shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" Chan asked and frowned.

Jisung nodded and just when Chan wanted to ask further, the younger raised his head again and pressed his lips on Chans.

Surprised, Chan closed his eyes and let Jisung involve him in a passionate kiss.

He moaned as Jisung bit into his lower lip and let his tongue slide into the older's mouth for a moment. But the next moment Jisung detached himself again.

"What was that?" Chan asked, chuckled softly.

Jisung shrugged his shoulders, bit his lower lip and hid his face in his hands. As quickly as his self-confidence had appeared, as quickly it had disappeared again.

After the rain  |  ChanSungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang