Part Eight

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Annabeth PoV (First Person)

The pain hit me first. Then betrayal. And anger. And a dozen different emotions I couldn't begin to identify.

Percy stood in front of me, his sword stained with my blood. Riptide, which had been used to help defend me so many times, was now killing me. I would have laughed at the irony, except that breathing hurt way too much.

Something flickered along his face- horror? Regret? I couldn't tell, and not just because my vision was blurring and turning gray and a alarmingly fast rate. Percy's face switched back into his calm mask and he capped Riptide picking up the Drakon Bone sword Damasen had given me. He placed it over my chest, a sign of honour. Maybe a sign that Circe hadn't completely taken control off him yet.

It was too late for me, though. 

A black wing flickered in my vision, and I managed to move my eyes enough to stare into the beautiful face of Death, otherwise known as Thanatos.

My soul slipped away from my body as I breathed- though rattled may have been a better word- my last breath.

Being a spirit was strange to say the least. I felt disconnected- though I suppose technically I was. 

In front of me I got to see the Thanatos in all his glory. His beautiful- not handsome- features, his black feathery wings. I also saw scars around his wrist. I didn't know gods could have scars.

He smiled kindly at me. 'Hello dear. I'm afraid your time has come.' Another weird thing to add to the list for today- Death calling me 'dear'.

I opened my mouth trying to say, 'No, it couldn't have,' but my mind told me it was. And after going through all that trouble to close the Doors of Death, I knew it wouldn't be wise to argue. I was dead. And the dead belong in the Underworld.

I took another moment to look at Percy, or maybe Circe was a better word, considering he was being mind-controlled by her,  and I whispered to myself, 'Please Hazel, Piper, Aelia. Please free him.'

I let myself be guided down the Underworld.

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