Chapter 26.

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Jacie's POV:

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Jacie's POV:

It's been a couple of days since I've seen or heard from Aaliyah. I tried calling and texting but she leaves me on read or sends me straight to voicemail. I know she's going to work because Shay (Sasha) told JJ they were hanging out today after she got off. I sigh and rub my hands over my face. I'm sitting at the trap right now watching the girls count the money. "You okay Jai?" I look up to see Amber, one of the girls looking at me. "I'm good." I go into my jacket pocket and take out the blunt I had rolled before leaving my apartment. I light it and bring it to my mouth, inhaling and holding it before exhaling it out. "Girl troubles?" She says. I scoff, "Something like that. Ion even knows fr." I see her putting on her jacket and coming over to me. "Come outside." I grab my hat and crossover bag before heading behind her. "Go ahead and tell me. You know I don't fw those girls in there so your business is yours." I take a breath and pass her the blunt. 'Honestly, I don't know what the fuck happened. We took that trip together, I asked her to be my girl fr and we were good. Then a few days ago she put her hands on me saying she hates me and she shoulda never trusted me. I didn't even do anything I don't think. But she's lucky all I did was choke her ass." I vent out. Honestly, if it was any other girl that put their hands on me I would beat the shit out of them for even daring to do that. But Aaliyah is different. I could never intentionally or purposely hurt her no matter what the situation was. "It sounds like something happened and she didn't communicate it with you. But that's understandable. Girls tend to jump to conclusions and would rather deal with the pain of knowing we were lied to or mistreated than actually have a sit-down conversation. Especially if she's been hurt in the past by the people she's dated. But clearly, you didn't live up to your nickname which I'm proud of." Amber laughs out quietly. "I'm not even on that type of time no more man." I laugh out loud before putting the blunt out. "But you're right and I understand. But how do I fix this shit if ion know what's wrong?" I ask her, staring out in front of me. "I would say just do something you know she'd appreciate fr and then once y'all are at a good point bring it up. Ask her about it and be understanding. I'm certain all she wants is to be heard." I nod my head. Everything Amber was saying had me thinking about what to do. "Thank you, lil sis, you looking out fr." I laugh making an inside joke. "Bye, fr I didn't even know you remember that. We were young asf." She laughs with me. When I first started working here and coming to the trap, JJ called her lil sis and I thought she was my blood-related sister until she corrected me. Amber and I also got closer when everything went down with Kayla, my ex. The nickname 'lil sis' just stuck around so I call her that. "But Ima catch you later. I got an idea." I say gathering my stuff off the sidewalk and hugging her, heading to my car.

As I turn into the grocery store parking lot, I sit in my car for a bit deciding on what I want to make her. I decided that since I knew Aaliyah wouldn't be at her apartment for a bit, I would cook her dinner, and then after we would talk about what's going on. I texted Shay and told her the plan and asked her to make sure she let me know when Aaliyah was heading home. Now to decide what to cook for her. I know she told me her favorite food was pasta so I'm thinking either Lasanga or chicken parmesan. I decided to make lasagna with garlic bread. Once I'm finished in the grocery store, I head to the bakery around our complex to pick up a box of cinnamon rolls from there that Aaliyah mentioned seeing online one time. After that, I head to the apartment complex stopping at my apartment to put the things down. I decided I would cook in my apartment since I don't know where her kitchen stuff is at in the cabinets and then I would bring the food over to keep warm in her oven. I put the cinnamon rolls in the fridge because I can heat those up after we finish eating and I take out the things I need for the lasagna.An hour later, the food was done and Shay texted that Aaliyah left her house and would be home in about 45 minutes. I grab my keys and head to her apartment. 'Now for the hard part' I think to myself. Once I'm in her apartment, I run to her kitchen and turn on the oven to warm and I crack the front door so it will stay open while I grab the food from mine. I put the lasagna and garlic bread in the oven and put the cinnamon rolls on the counter so they'll get to room temp. I head back to my apartment to grab the flowers I picked up at the store and the plastic fake candles. I set up her dining area to look nicely the way I want it to and close her front door turning out the lights and turning the candles on. I then grab plates from her cabinet and set these up as well. I put down the silverware and the front door knob rattling, signaling she was home. I stand there waiting not wanting to scare her as the front door opens. "What the hell is- Hold on." I see she's otp, probably with Asia and Shay. "Mama," I call out and she jumps. "Jacie what the fuck are you doing in here? ima call y'all back." She hangs up and puts down her bags. "I'm here to fix whatever is going on. I miss you." I say looking at her. "You did all this yourself?" I smile and nod yes. "Aww baby." She comes over and hugs me and I hug her back tightly. I missed her a lot and it's only been a few days. "Wait. How the hell did you get in my apartment? I know I locked my door." She pulls away out of the hug. "Mama I'm a criminal. That lock wasn't stopping me." I laugh out. "Come on, sit down. I'll make your plate." I say pulling the chair out for her to sit and picking up our plates from the table. "Oh, you must've missed me real bad for you to be cooking for me." "And did," I say walking to the kitchen, taking out the lasagna and garlic bread. I put some on our plates and head back into the dining room. "Omg, I'm finna eat good." I roll my eyes and laugh before sitting down. We eat in silence. "Oh I brought you something else for dessert afterward too but I would like to talk to you after we finish eating," I say breaking the silence, she looks at me and smirks. "Girl it's food you eat not me. You're gay as fuck." I laugh, causing her to smile. "Glad you know. But yes, we definitely need to talk."

A/N: 1298 words.

Excuse any spelling or grammar errors it's 2 AM rn uploading this. LOL

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-Syd :)

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