~Best Writing Style Results~

84 11 16

A big thanks to all the participants and our judges _abhipreeti_ and Ishikaagarwal700 .

To all the participants, don't get disheartened even if you don't win. Keep writing ✍️.

All participants please give your sincere thanks to your judge.

Let's get to the results.

'Destiny: A Saga of Hatred' by delusional_she

I will try my best to explain briefly the elements which were lacking in your
writing style. First of all, the punctuation. The use of ellipsis after every statement is not only grammatically incorrect but also, it causes an obstacle for readers who want a smooth reading experience.

Next comes the use of commas, semi-colons, colons, full stops, question marks, etc. in appropriate parts. Shortening the words like “you” to “u”, “that” to “tht”, is also not applied when authors write literary pieces of work, unless necessary in some way, (for example a scene to show normal chat messages between two characters).

From my understanding, the genre of your book is “Dark Romance” and you are trying to convey a form of “toxic love”, right? The meanings would have been more clear if you could make your work appear a bit descriptive and delve deeper into the emotions and psychology of the characters to understand better. Because after reading a few chapters of your book all I could get the sense is the male protagonist, who is shown as toxic here and rightfully so, is justifying lust with love, and claiming the female protagonist, which she finds attractive in some way. My interpretation may be wrong but right now, all I could
understand from your writing style is this.

P.S. Although there is a debate still to this date but even in the genre of Dark Romance, at least I, don’t believe in romanticizing forcing someone against one’s will and showing this “I will fuck your senses out if you refuse to stay with me” is not love and can never be forgiven or rationally justified. It is rather a threat of “raping” by using physical power.

Honorable Mentions

'The Surgeon's Solitude' by Kriti_writes1

You have a good sense of vocabulary and a constructed writing skill, however, the use of ellipsis after every narration is not necessary and grammatically wrong.

Your blurb is beautifully written but I had a bit of trouble in assessing your main story parts due to the few grammatical, phonetical, punctuation errors spread throughout the chapters. Of course with editing, those errors can be solved.

The flow of sentences from one place to
another was missing as well and the chapters seemed very rushed, and constricted. I could not find the literary element I was looking for.

'Someday' by The_quirky_girl17

I have read the short story you have written, and you truly have potential to
improve your skills and craft even more. I cannot say anything about the plot since I am judging your writing style, hence I will be discussing that here, briefly.

There were several grammatical mistakes here and there, which I suppose with editing and
polishing will become even better. Now what happens is, readers who are grammar fanaticslike me, might lose interest if they keep coming across the errors which also makes them
lose concentration and divert their attention from the main plot. There were little punctuation problems as well. Don't worry, you can improve if you keep on writing, practicing and reading as many books as you can. It helps.

I also noticed that you have a tendency of abruptly changing statements.

Let me show you an example. In Ch 1 of your book, you have written, “Zeenat lived a life of loneliness. At the
year of six her parents died, leaving her alone in this world.”

If you focus closely here, the two sentences, when read, appear quite sudden. They can be easily blended in this manner or something along the line,
Zeenat lived an unfortunate life of loneliness when at the mere age of six, her parents passed away, leaving the poor girl all alone in this big, wide world.”
With the use of clauses, prepositions, and more words, you can provide ornaments to your

3rd Place

Tales of Hearts by aurora_2604

The Story was very good and very beautifully written. The writer's dedication and hardwork was clearly seen in the story. The story was good, the writing style was also very good but it didn't reached up to the mark.

2nd Place

Teri Meri Kahani by NayantaraHK

Although the story was written mostly in hindi, the story provides with different vibes to feel. The writer has portrayed every scene very well. Just loved the story.

1st Place

Somewhere Betwen Love and Revenge by GraceMorgan1123

The story was written very beautifully. The writer's dedication towards the story was clearly visible. Every character was portrayed very well by the author. It was so pleasure able to read this story.

Congratulations to everyone! Prizes will be distributed in 3 days.

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