~Best Line Results~

32 10 8

A big thanks to all the participants and our judges AnushkaApurbaMitra and delusional_she

To all the participants, don't get disheartened even if you don't win. Keep writing ✍️.

All participants please give your sincere thanks to your judge.

Messages from the judges-

delusional_she - "All of these poems were really beautiful, it was really hard to decide a winner."

AnushkaApurbaMitra -"I must say all of these poems are beautifully written. Everyone did a good job!"

Let's get to the results-

Honorable Mentions

Canvas of poems📜|Poems by MapleArchives

Poem-Where do I belong?

Line-"However, I would still choose to be strangled by these horrible nightmares rather than being lost in the real world. At least these dreams are mine, the world, however, has other occupants too"

The things I can't say out loud by m25_bookworm


Line-"So she pleads for an end to the eyes and their gaze and drifts deeper beneath the misty haze of living a life that's not quite alive while the old her disappears within a dusty archive."

Songwriting Book#1 by Crystalxxxxx88888

Poem-Happily Ever After

Line-"Refuse to believe this is the end of our story, I'll keep holding on tight, Burning my fingers as the pages ignite."

3rd Place

Harrowing Hireath by Rosecherry2602

Poem- Granite

Line-"Four chambers in my heart, one for the suitcase still unpacked, Two, for the love and lie, getting compressed compact, Three for the rage rustling but fake fucking act, Four for the frivolous fuckers flipping their facts but one heart only hears harrowing hireath."

2nd Place

The Poetry by Kriti_writes1


Line-"Your arms around gave me the warmth, My wounds simply now get adorned."

1st Place

Sunset's verse by SunsetMercer

Poem- To The Stars

Line-"Peaceful picnics in the park in the afternoon, a honey-sweet serenade underneath the moon."

Congratulations to everyone! Prizes will be distributed in 3 days.

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