Ch3: The Debt/Lenny

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Logan Got home sees no one was home he goes out to smoke a Cuban cigar and he noticed two tennis rackets The black one was Odette's and the white one he knew to be the couches he didn't think Nothing of it until he heard a scream. He ran upstairs to see Clara comforting Odette who had a black eye he comforts her and asks

Logan: Odeie, did he do this?

Odette: I thought he was a good guy Father, if it wasn't for Clara hed*Sob*He-*sobbing hard*

Logan: This fucker's dead! I pay this turd a 150 bucks an hour to teach my daughter Tennis and he socks her in the face and tries to rape her!

Logan then Kicks the door in and sees the coach with a Scratch mark on his face.

Coach: Woah! Woah! Mr. Carmine, listen It was just a little arrangement.

Logan: You and I are gonna to have an arrangement. I'm gonna to arrange your fucking funeral.

Coach: Listen, it was mistake, I'm sorry.

Logan: You're a dead man! Dead! Come here!

Before Logan could know it the coach runs out the window almost plummets to his ground but lands on the window washer. He then takes it down as fast as he could and Logan tries to follow him he gets to the lobby and Y/n was coming in at a bad time

Y/n: Yo what's up?

Logan: Get out of my way Y/n.

He then stops him

Y/n: What's going on?

Logan: The prick hit my daughter.

Logan goes to his car but turns to Y/n

Logan: You in?

Y/n: Hell yeah, man, let's go kick his ass.

They then take Logan's Car that had a new blower and They drive after to follow the tennis coach

Y/n: Are you okay what happened?

Logan: Guy almost raped my daughter is what happened.

Y/n: Which guy?

Logan: Guy, I'm paying to teach her Tennis.

Y/n: The Tennis coach? Ah that's fucked up man, sorry dude.

Logan: Don't worry this sumbitch is going to be sorry, Still been training your magic?

Y/n: Yeah, why?

Logan: Because we're definitely going to need it.

They drive up after the coach when an RV blocks their path And they lose him.

Y/n: Damn it we lost him.

Logan: He lives somewhere up in the hills, We'll find him.

They drive along the Canyon looking for the coach and they end up seeing his car parked under a purple/red mansion.

Logan: That's his car right there.(Sees him on the deck) Little Shit's up there.(To coach) Hey, asshole! you ran off before we could settle our debts.

Coach: Logan, Bud! you got the wrong idea, man.

Logan parks his Car and him and Y/n get out

Logan: Okay, you get powered up And you're going to use your gravity to lift up The supports and then you're gonna bring it down.

Y/n: You want me to bring his deck down?

Logan: Motherfucker almost took my daughter's virginity down. Alright, you get powered up. I'll stall him.

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