[Ollie] And They Will Know That Forgiveness Exists

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Interlude: Fulfilling Our Desires

Vale City, 00:45, 13 October 65 A.G.W.

Huntress: "Let that thing go, sir! That is a freaking zombie!"

Man: "No! Dear, lets run away from here, we-we can live somewhere far away from here!"

Z.Woman: "No, Alba! Listen, we don't have much time! I need to tell you-"

Huntsman: "Betta' I know that it is painful for you to accept, but you need to-"

Betta: "I will castrate you right now if you don't leave my little brother alone!"

Z.Boy: "Sis, let's just go to that amusement park! Big Sis Ollie has given me the tickets, so we can go now!

Police: "No, Brick! If you still telling me to shoot my wife, you might shoot me as well!"

Chaos is spread and happened anywhere, especially around Vale Center Cemetery where several fresh corpses getting up as zombies, even though the process of the decay seems to be reversed to the state post of their demise and the unpleasant odor is absent and replaced with the fragrant aroma of jasmine and rose. And for those who have died long ago, they emerge from their graves in the form of a bluish-white spectral-like entity that resembles the person who died while they were still alive. Some float as if looking for something before flying off in all directions around Vale, some even go beyond the city borders.

Ozpin enters his car while ignoring the constant ringing tones from inside his pocket. Chaos produced fear and anger, and undoubtedly, Grimms must be already smelling the massive negative emotions. His destination is the city guard defense center to know the current situation and help what he can.

Without much words beside greeting, the guard immediately lead the man to the control room. A tall, stern-looking man wearing a Vale military uniform which currently only serves as an identification of his status in the city defense force, not the military, is waiting for Ozpin in the control room where several operators report what they see, read, and hear from their monitors and communication devices almost at the same time.

Chief: "Headmaster."

Ozpin: "Chief Coal. The situation?"

Chief Coal doesn't answer Ozpin's question directly, but he leads Ozpin to one of the monitors instead where Ozpin seeing the Grimm outside the wall. He looks at those Grimm with wide eyes and mouth almost opened in shock because the Grimm who are fighting with each other, especially at the three Goliaths that currently stomping their Grimm brethren along with other smaller Grimms that injured in various degree but still attacking their brethren ferociously. Some lose a limb, or just having one limb remained, half of its body, and even a head, where in normal occurences, should be already dead. He then notices that instead glowing red eyes, those Grimm rebels having glowing white eyes.

Ozpin: "Chief Coal, Can I see the footage before the presence of these white-eyed... Grimms?"

Coal: "Yes, headmaster. Operator Nix, shows the headmaster the recording."

With a quick yes, the operator Nix plays the recording of when a group of Beowulves were already clawing the wall. Not long after, three Goliath crushed through the forest, threatening to destroy the walls with their body.

But suddenly a flock of small Nevermores numbering in the thousands, almost covering the green and blue moon with blurry white silhouettes and glowing white orbs, which were even accompanied by two giant Alpha Nevermores as the flock's arrowheads, flew down and attacking the three Goliaths. They dove down and stabbed the unsuspecting Goliath with their beaks, before flying up again, leaving the Goliaths to fall in convulsions. After several seconds of convulsing and being unable to stand, the Goliaths' red eyes disappeared for two seconds, before suddenly glowing white and launching a surprise attack with their trunk and tusks at nearby Grimms. Those who attacked by the Goliaths or those who tried to counterattack them, fell to the ground convulsing before suddenly getting up and lunging at their uninfected brethren, with all of them sharing the same condition as the three Goliaths, glowing white eyes, at least those who still have their heads.

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