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I'm a child innocent and free, living in the moment of what life has to offer me.

I'm a teenager experiencing change. Change in my body, my heart and my ways.

All along the way footprints rooted down. Some permanent some changing but following me around.

I'm a mother, a wife a sister and friend. Creating stories, love and life from beginning to end.

I kiss scrapes, I am the rock. I hug away fears. As the years go by the pride I feel brings me to tears.

I am a woman, a lover, a keeper of secrets. And again, my footprints are getting deeper.

One day it begins to feel far away. People, memories, words I can no longer say.

Some days a dream, a room I don't know. I recognize some but others come and go.

Now I am alone, in my thoughts left behind.

In and out of reality, I hear them say it's my mind.

My footprints are stuck deep in this world. But I don't remember the boy and the girl.

Or the man that smiles with kind eyes, and the one who comes that always cries.

They call me mom; they call me grandma. They look frightened and sad. A park of me wants to hug them, a part of me feels bad.

I know somethings wrong, but I can't make sense of it. What happened to the rock, the mother and wife? My body is here but I'm no longer part of this life.

This I know, this disease has taken me. Remember my footprints, all of them please.

Soon it gets dark, quiet and lonely. I yearn for something powerful, yet I don't know what. I wish this bad dream would end so I could wake up.

Until the day I am free, where I am released from this prison. Until the day I am me, with the choice given.

I will look down on the many footprints I've left behind.

Remembering my life again with no regrets in mind.

Copyright© 2024 Alana Avellino. All rights reserved.

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