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I won't dull my light for you, I won't change what's deep within

I won't trust the lies in you, you won't drag me down and pull me in

You hide in shadows behind fake smiles, you're too good at playing games

You plead innocence and ignorance, all the while your toxic behavior takes center stage

Waisted hours and energy giving too much thought

You're not worth it you don't deserve it, do I forgive you? I think not

I've warned others but who am I to change their minds

 I'll sit back and watch as your true colors show through in time

If you're pleased with yourself, I'm deeply sorry for you

I can't imagine what living in oblivion day to day could do

Don't smile and please don't say hi

Don't pretend you're not a total lie

Once you hurt me then its goodbye

And if it's someone I love you cease to exist

You better believe I won't cry

Copyright© 2024 Alana Avellino. All rights reserved.

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