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      "Welcome to the nightmare in my head, say hello to something scary."


"Come in," Y/N called out, glancing up as Trish pushed open the door.

"Hey, burning the midnight oil again?" Trish asked, sauntering over to Y/N's desk.

"Yeah, just got handed the next case. Seems this killer's been having a field day," Y/N replied, motioning for Trish to take a seat.

"Really? What's the deal this time?" Trish asked, settling into the chair.

Y/N opened the file and explained, "Looks like a series of 'natural' deaths, but they've all got traces of a rare poison. The stuff's from some plant that grows in a super specific area. Killer must have a green thumb or a connection there."

Trish raised an eyebrow. "Crafty. Any leads yet?"

Y/N shook her head. "Not yet. Planning to head to the plant's hood, see if I can sniff out anything. Could be a wild goose chase, but worth a shot."

Trish nodded, impressed. "Well, you know I'm game for some detective work. Just give me the word."

Y/N grinned. "Appreciate it, Trish. This one's gonna be a hard to get, but hey, we love a challenge, right?"

Trish nodded, her expression serious. "Absolutely. We'll get to the bottom of this. Just promise me you'll be careful out there. This killer sounds like they know what they're doing."

Y/N chuckled. "Always am, Trish. You worry too much."

Trish rolled her eyes playfully. "Someone's got to. Anyway, I'll let you get back to it. I'll start digging on my end, see if I can find anything that might help."

"Thanks, Trish. You're the best," Y/N said, watching as Trish stood up and headed for the door.

"Just doing my job," Trish replied with a wink before disappearing out into the hallway.

Y/N watched Trish leave, a smile playing on her lips. As soon as the door clicked shut, she turned her attention back to the file, her mind already formulating a plan. She couldn't afford any slip-ups; this had to be perfect.

First, she needed to establish an alibi. She glanced at the clock—it was late, but not too late to make a quick appearance at the bar down the street. A few witnesses who could vouch for her being there would be useful.

Next, she needed to plant some evidence. She knew just the place—the abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. It was a spot frequented by drug users and squatters, perfect for leaving behind a few incriminating items that would point the investigation in the wrong direction.

But she couldn't just leave any old evidence. It had to be convincing. She opened her laptop and started researching the rare poison mentioned in the file. A few clicks later, she had a list of plants that contained the poison, along with their natural habitats.

She smirked. This was almost too easy. She'd make sure to leave traces of one of these plants at the warehouse, along with some other items that would suggest a connection to the area where the plant grew.

Satisfied with her plan, Y/N closed the laptop and stood up, ready to put her plan into action. She knew she had to be careful—any misstep could lead the cops right to her. But she was confident in her ability to outsmart them. After all, she'd been doing it for years.

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