Ch14: A Strange Visitor, P1

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Chapter 14: A Strange Visitor, P1

In the dead of night, two cloaked figures walked down the street together in a city that looked very different from the likes of Arslade, Atlantis, or New Tokyo. Skyscrapers dominated downtown, but smaller buildings were far more common throughout the city.

"What's your goal tonight?" asked the first cloaked figure, a handsome young man with shoulder length black hair and red eyes.

"Some young man, I think. I've had only girls in the past few months." The second cloaked figure was a pink-haired girl also with red eyes. "Girls taste sweeter, but I've been craving sour lately."

"You say that like guys are all sour," he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Don't put words in my mouth. You know male blood is more consistently sour."

What is this? They're talking about the taste of blood?

"Meet back here an hour before dawn?"

"Sounds good."

Gotta be vampires. But there are no vampires in the connected realms. So... I'm dreaming?

Splitting up, the young man wandered off while the girl strolled downtown. The street was lit well, but the light fell off quickly further out. After half an hour of trolling around, the girl found a young man. He looks to be about nineteen or twenty. Let's find out if he's got a heavy mind. Better chance of his blood having a sour tinge if he has worries.

What the hell? I can hear her thoughts? Well, if I'm dreaming, that makes sense. Hey! Can you hear me, vampire girl?

The girl turned toward where Kye's viewpoint was and raised an eyebrow. Strange. It's like a person is there, but there's nothing. Huh...

I guess she can sense that I'm here, but can't see me or anything. It's almost like Ally is cloaking me with void magic.

Well, whatever. Probably just a stray cat or something. She turned back toward the young man. He was sitting on a bench. He looked like any other random guy. Black hair, blue eyes, a hoodie, and jeans. "Hi hi! Whatcha up to?"

"Nothing much. Just chillin' while I wait."

"Yeah? Waiting on something or someone?"

"Nothing important, really. I was just thinking of getting a drink. Want one? I'm buying."

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks. Care for some company while you wait?"

"Sure, I don't mind. Let me just run over to that vending machine really quick."

"Mhm." The girl sat down and waited while he fetched his drink. He came back with two drinks and sat down, then handed one to the girl. "Well, maybe I could drink something. Oh, it's orange! I like orange. Thanks!"

He smiled and opened his drink. "What brings you here tonight?"

"Oh... you know. Just wandering around. I'm a bit of a night owl and had nothing important to do tonight. And-"

"Didn't feel like doing the unimportant things?"

She smiled and nodded. "Pretty much."

I'm guessing her method is to seduce him or some such, wait until he's asleep, then get a drink while he's out. Probably trying to keep a low profile.

"So, hey, you doing anything later?"


"On lazy nights like this, I like to go to things like karaoke or bowling or whatever."

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