Hung On The Goodbyes For Far Too Long / Missed You Too

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I think of times where
I sit down and
Read a book about my favorite hero,
My favorite villains,
And everything in between

I laugh, I sob
You would have loved
To see it now

Even still, I think of you
That same day when
You were out of town
You said you'd be back

Where've you been?
All these years
Of waiting,
And waiting-
But, wait,
You'll be back another day, I tell myself

Your spirit lives on in my heart
And forever I shall cherish
What I have never cherished before

Perhaps if I wait longer,
I'll find you
Here at my doorstep, peeping
And asking me to come home

But by then, it will be too late
My body will have decomposed
Your memory would be long gone
And I'm dead by daylight

Because in life,
That is the prize at the end
Of the line.

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