
20 1 0

I've made it
It's graduation time
And what did it cost?

A paper and a cool hat
It was amusing at first,
Learning different shapes and sizes
Figuring out how fractions worked

You were there by me every step
Of the way
But now, I'm far gone
And what did it cost?

I've grown to loathe algebra
The y-axis still haunts me
To this day
And don't get me started on

Shakespeare had taught me well
Though, it still seems gibberish
To me sometimes

And to be frank, I could not or would not
Do this any longer
Because to be fair,
It's all the same

Jobs will open up to me now
I find a passion in life
A spark in me
That I've never had
Nor felt

I'll work the same
Nine to five
And I'll receive a paycheck
Every now and then
And a good pat on the back

One question still irks me, however:
What did it cost?

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