Chapter 17: The Spark That Engulfed the Dry Leaves

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Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers' eyes. - William Shakespeare

Soo-ah paced her cramped apartment, a manic glint in her eyes

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Soo-ah paced her cramped apartment, a manic glint in her eyes. Sleep had evaded her for days. The photos on her laptop screen taunted her - blurry snapshots that didn't capture the fiery intensity she felt for Jungkook. They were proof, yes, but insufficient proof to ignite the inferno of public outrage she craved.

Obsession, a slow-burning ember, had morphed into a raging wildfire within her. The reporter in her, once fueled by a thirst for truth, was now consumed by a twisted desire for revenge. She wouldn't settle for mere exposure; she wanted to see Jungkook crumble, his career tarnished by the harsh glare of societal disapproval.

With a trembling hand, Soo-ah dialed a number. It was a notorious gossip rag known for its ruthless reporting and fabricated scandals. The editor, a man with a nose for controversy, listened intently as she laid out her story, liberally embellishing the truth.

"A renowned psychiatrist cavorting with a rising star actor! And the juicy detail - they're both men!" she hissed, relishing the shock in the editor's voice.

The next morning, South Korea woke up to a bombshell. The headline screamed: "Secret Lovers Unmasked: Dr. Jin and Actor Jungkook in a Forbidden Affair!" The accompanying article, a toxic cocktail of speculation and innuendo, painted a lurid picture of a clandestine relationship.

The internet exploded. Social media erupted in a frenzy of comments and debates. Homophobia, a simmering undercurrent in Korean society, reared its ugly head. Fans, once adoring, turned into vicious trolls, spewing hateful messages on Jungkook's fan pages.

"Jungkook, the heartthrob? More like a cheap fraud!"

"How can he betray his fans like this?"

"They are disgusting! This is ruining Korea's image!"

The carefully crafted image of Jungkook, the wholesome boy-next-door, lay shattered. Endorsement deals were put on hold, movie projects shelved. The production company of his upcoming drama issued a terse statement, expressing their "disappointment" and hinting at a possible recasting.

News outlets clamored for interviews with Jin and Jungkook, who remained silent, trapped in a media firestorm. Jungkook's upcoming movie premiere, a passion project he'd poured his heart into, was overshadowed by the scandal. Endorsement deals crumbled, replaced by scathing articles questioning his character.

Everywhere Soo-ah looked, the faces of disappointment stared back at her. Fans, heartbroken and disillusioned, held silent vigils outside his agency, their tear-streaked posters a testament to the actor they thought they knew.

Days blurred into a haze of news updates and social media outrage. The initial shock had morphed into a simmering anger, a collective sense of betrayal that transcended the celebrity gossip. LGBTQ+ rights groups, long marginalized, used this as a platform to speak out against the rampant homophobia.

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