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What was attraction? Luna didn't understand how anyone could be sexually attracted to someone. Yes, they sometimes felt romantic love, but how could anyone want sex?
Luna often wondered if they were in love with jinx. Maybe they were, after all, they cared about him so much.
But then again...
Luna tried to stop thinking about love and romance, it was so annoying. Plus, if anyone fell in love with them, Luna couldn't love them in that way. Romance was beautiful, Luna loved seeing people in love, it made them happy, but sexual love...
They had no time for romance, plus the trauma of trusting the Centre for that period of time, couldn't let them let anyone back into their life .
Maybe that's why everyone else was with someone while they were lonely . But romance didn't always turn out well. Sometimes it did like Mai and Cass, and Frank and Andromeda from the examination department, but a lot of the time it didn't like DI Stark and his wife, Hannah.
Luna didn't know much about Hannah. Frederick didn't talk about his past if he could help it, and tended to simply ignore questions about it, so nothing they did know had come from him. Sometimes Luna watched when he talked to them, or when he was focussed, wire-framed glasses perched on his nose, as he twisted the base of his left ring finger habitually, as though twisting a ring. They didn't want to nose around in other people's lives, but Luna had heard things about Hannah .
Some of it was far-fetched, like she killed someone, which definitely wasn't true. Stark was a formidable judge of character. But some of it sounded truer, more tame like an affair or an awful argument. No one really knew about the split, since he refused to talk about it. Luna was too busy trying to be the mysterious new detective who nobody knew to ask Frederick about it.
They learned very quickly that his eyes were very suggestive, that he could act all he liked, but his eyes held his truth. But of course Luna was too afraid to ask. DI Stark wasn't the most approachable.
His eyes reminded them a bit of Jinx's, tired and stressed almost as if it was all a play that he was tired of performing. The millions of 'I'm fine's. They had yet to see a smile on Frederick's face, or even something close to one.
Luna knew that, after all, that charade had been played so many times when they were younger and Luna was always in the starring role.
Suddenly, Luna's phone chimed .
An instagram notification . Luna had to set up an instagram unfortunately. If they could, they would disappear, but what if Jinx needed to find them?
@fred.st4rk Can you send the copy of the Esme Cohan case, it needs to be reopened.
@_lunaeclipses sure! i'll get it from our archive
@_lunaeclipses i will be back in 10 minutes
@_lunaeclipses sir last time i saw you you looked pretty tired you should take a break .
read by @fred.st4rk 10 minutes ago

btw thank you so much for editing  this freddie_221b

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