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tw:this chapter contains quite bad mental health and suicidal thoughts

"im laughing im crying feels like i'm dying "
            melanie martinez

the mist surrounded the beach . The day had been shit . The weather was awful , the gloom filled everyone's already broken hearts . The cold nipped at their tights and their short shoulder length hair flew about in the wind . The wind and rain  wasn't smooth and graceful like those stupid romance movies where they realise they really are meant to be together and end up kissing in the rain , it was hash and biting freezing anything in the path .

As a witch Luna often felt like their mood changed depending on the weather and today was one of those days . Work had been awful . The bullies laughed under their pathetic mask of popularity . It was shocking . Shocking ,that there was still bullies in the work place . They kept asking if Luna was a boy or a girl and finally after months Luna snapped and said

"i'm non binary "

Even though Luna often acted like they were strong im fact they weren't , they partially cared what others thought of them . Not exactly they felt as free to be as weird as they like but something else blocking them almost .

Everything came back to them . Jinx , everything ,everything , everything


they just wanted to scream and they did . Screaming into the mist with only the echoes to be their friend . They saw their vague reflection in the water and thought

if i was in the water i would drown myself .

But no they couldn't .  they couldn't give in after all it was one bad day . They put on some melanie martinez and then some of the cute and it kind of relaxed them until it diddn't

Screaming was often seen as a coping mechanism and Luba tried again and again screaming into the abyss which they had imagined for themselves , it had felt like their home ever since well thinking about it their whole life . All of their past lives everything crawled back out of Lunas memories like pandora's box where when she opened the box all the bad stuff flew out but then Luna remembered something . One good thing remained which was hope . They needed hope. It was just a bad day . They were fine . They were fine . FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE.

After a while they had felt better but the ghost of Jinx still rattled his chains haunting their mind .

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