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We got to the other side of the beach in about fifteen minutes, and in those fifteen minutes we talked about tons of things. Erick told me about all the things we should do over the Summer, some of it sounds like its dangerous, but maybe that's just what I need. Although I've only known Erick for about three hours, I like talking to him and I like being in his presence.

I met his friends, Angel, Carlos, and Santiago, they were all friendly, but I could tell Erick was different from them. While they couldn't keep their eyes off my body, Erick couldn't keep his eyes off my face. There were multiple instances where I caught him smiling at me, but he quickly looked away whenever i made eye contact with him. To be completely honest, I caught myself admiring him at times as well, not because I have feelings for him, but because he was so attractive it was hard not to stare. There was something about his big brown eyes that made him look so handsome.

As I sat in front of the fire, lost in thought, Carlos sat next to me, "Come on, you should swim with us morena." 

I've been here for less than a day and I've already got two nicknames from two different people. 

"I don't know, I can't really swim."

"You're lying! How can you live right in front of the beach and not know how to swim?! That's actually insane!" Carlos laughed loudly at my stupidity for not knowing how to swim. "It's okay though, I'll hold you." He shamelessly winked at me, causing me to laugh harder than he did.

"Oh wow you're actually corny for that, please don't do it again." For some reason I couldn't stop myself from laughing, eventually he laughed too.

"You're soooo mean, won't even let me flirt."

Carlos wasn't unattractive, he's a bit darker than Erick and definitely shorter than him. The one extremely attractive thing about him are his lips, they're so full, they definitely make him more attractive.

"Whatever." I playfully punched him and he smiled at me, suddenly Erick ran over to us out of breathe.

"Come on we're done playing flag football, let's go swim. You in changa?" He's so hot when he's out of breath.

"Bro she can't even swim."

"Shut up I bet you can't either." I glared at Carlos.

"That's fine, you don't need to swim, I don't mind holding you." Erick didn't say it the same way Carlos did, he said it in a way that made it seem like he genuinely wanted me to have fun with them.

"Really? That wouldn't annoy you?" I couldn't help but smile at him.

"Not at all."

"Bruh what I literally offered to hold you." Carlos practically whined and Erick just laughed at him.

"Yeah but you were flirting when you said it, Erick wasn't, so of course I'm gonna let Erick hold me instead."

Angel and Santiago ran over to us, both of them out of breath, they're brothers and they look exactly alike. I get that siblings look alike but their resemblance is almost strange, at first I thought they were twins but apparently Santiago is two years older than Angel. They're not unattractive, but they most definitely aren't attractive to me. They both look a lot older than their age, with their full grown beards and muscular bodies. 

"Let's go swim, it's hot as fuck right now." Angel panted as he spoke to Erick, he's right, for some reason it's even hotter than it was earlier in the afternoon. "You coming with us?" One thing I noticed about Angel in the hour that I've known him is that he tends to soften his voice when he talks to me.

"Yeah I am." I liked that they included me, they didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that some random girl was introduced into the friend group.

Angel, Santiago, and Carlos all ran into the water eagerly, Erick stayed behind and sat down next to me, "So did you wear a bathing suit under that?"

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