Chapter 36

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I and king Rolfe's lieutenants sat haunched around the fire we'd started. Over the hot flames, Bowen roasted part of the meat we'd sourced from the market square.

"What areas did you cover today, Malcom?" I asked the other man that was rubbing at his palms.

Though it was warmer down south, Reia was a glacier. I still managed to feel a bite of cold through the layers of clothes I'd bundled up in.

He answered, "The smaller towns surrounding North of the city."

"And you, Thomas?"

"East and West."

That was progress and at the same time it wasn't, because we hadn't managed to find any soul-eaters. But tonight I planned on going to one of the largest pubs in downtown Reia. Nothing like a place filled with men who had nothing left of their lives but gossip. They traded news like for a few pints of ale.

When evening rolled by, I stood, announcing, "Going to a nearby pub."

"Didn't know you drank anything besides blood, vampire."

Ignoring the comment, I went in and sheathed up, slipping my knives into my boots and in the strap at the waistband of my pants.

The skies were clear, lights from torches and floating lanterns illuminating the quiet city. I'd left off my horse, deciding to walk on foot.

I strode into the stale bar, heading straight for the counter.

The wide, bearded man behind the table smiled wide. "What would you have, kind sir?"


"One of Abberdin's finest coming up!"

His hands flitted all over the place, mixing and putting drinks together. Finally he dropped a glass before me. Just as he turned around I grabbed his arm. A dark shadow fell on his face.

I only drew nearer until my face was mere inches from his face.

He started, "Now, you listen he--"

"I'm looking for information."

"Then you've come to the wrong place."

My eyes bled to black. "Have I?"

His face white with fear, he mouthed the word Vampire.

Swallowing, he stumbled out, "W-what do you want?"

"I heard news that a bunch of soul-eaters are in Reia. Any idea where they might be?"

He swallowed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I perceived the lie immediately. The hand around his meaty arm tightened painfully. "Lie to me again and you won't live to see the next day." I flashed my fangs. He shot back, his bottom lip giving a tremble.

"Please," he rushed out. "I have a family. My ch--"

"Just tell me what I need to know, and perhaps I might spare you."

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