Chapter 51

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A smile pulled at my lips when I saw Sebastian return with a talkative little boy in tow. He trailed behind him, blurting out countless questions while Sebastian grunted monotonous replies.

I looked down at my work. It was almost done. We'd managed to snag a sewing kit as well, and at present I made a little shirt and a pair of shorts for the boy. Sewing the last seam close, I cut off the thread with my teeth.

Standing, I approached them with a smile. I came up behind the boy. "Alright, Yver. Time for a bath." We'd been on the road since morning.

Now that night had fallen on us, Sebastian set about to starting a fire. The boy spun around, a petulant expression on his face. "But I don't want to have a bath."

Sebastian spoke up then. "Do as she says, boy."

The little boy threw one begging look at the man who had become something of an idol. When he saw Sebastian wasn't budging, he let out a frustrated breath and came to stand by me.

Sending him a gentle smile, I stretched a hand. He took it and together we made our way toward the streams.

He grumbled along, "I don't see why we need to have our baths. Babies stay nine months without bathing. Isn't that supposed to tell us something?"

I laughed. "Yes, it is. That they were in the womb which is why they didn't need to have their baths. We're adults now, who can barely fit into a womb."

He kicked a stone. "I'm not an adult."

"Of course you are. You watched over your entire camp and kept them all safe. You did that. Not just anyone can."

His chest bowed. "I guess you're right, Miss."

"Alright. Come here, let me help you out of those clothes."

He shook his head, his hands going to his shabby top. "No need. Can handle it myself."

When he was out of his clothes, I noticed something.

He was a girl.

I blinked. "You're... A girl?"

Colour tainted her cheeks. "I am. The camp didn't have any more dresses when they found me."

Going over to the stream, I motioned her forward. I dipped my hand into the water and soon it stared to bubble all around, steam rising. She stared in awe. "Fire bearers were rare in my village."

I paused, looking over at her. "What village are you from, Yver?"

"Ganh Dou."

"That's a long way from Reia."

She nodded. "I and my family were captives of the soul eaters. We were moved to Reia on the commander's orders. It was there the camp saw me." Her tone turned wistful. "They freed me."

Reluctant gratitude filled me. But a realization had my throat knotting. "And what about your family?"

She looked away. "Still captives. For all I know they're...dead."

My hand touched her shoulder gently. "Hey, look at me. Nothing's going to happen to them, okay? I and the vampire are going to find a way to stop this."

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