Chapter 16: Barbie Doll

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My alarm goes off, and it's everything I can do to not throw that dumb thing at the wall.

"I'm getting too old for this," I mutter, as I swing my legs over the side of my massive bed. I'd stared at the king-size bed for several minutes last night trying to figure out why APEX decided I needed a king-size bed. If they think I'm gonna share my bed with all these guys, they've got another thing coming!

I spend several minutes looking for a coffee maker but never find one. So I throw my hands into the air, and stomp to the bathroom and shower instead. Time to start a shopping list. Item #1 is a coffee maker!

When I exit the shower, wrapped in a pink silk kimono robe, I wander back to my bedroom and put one of my suitcases on the bed. We'd gotten home so late from the motorcycle ride, that I decided sleep was more important than unpacking. Now I've gotta look good for my meet-up with Cosmo.

As I pull clothes from my suitcases and throw them onto my bed, I'm acutely aware that probably none of my normal stuff is going to attract the red-headed hottie I saw in the photo.

Sighing, I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, determined to find the local mall and grab some decent clothes before I meet up with Cosmo. I grab the rest of the clothes and open the door to the walk-in closet. I do a double take and drop the stuff in my arms.

The walk-in closet is filled with shoes and clothes with three large colored dividers splitting them into four sections. On each divider is a name: Tex, Saint, Cosmo, Xander.

Xander? Whose Xander?

I go to the section of clothes designated for Cosmo and flip through them. Bright colors, bold floral colors, long flowing dresses with spaghetti straps, and light fabric. For shoes, I have sandals and Birkenstocks, a pair of cowboy boots, and even more sandals. On the shelf above the clothes sits a jewelry box filled with necklaces for layering, toe rings, chunky and dangly earrings, and all manner of bohemian-themed accessories.

All I'm missing are dreadlock extensions, an incense burner, and a straw cowboy hat!

Staring at all the clothes, in so many designs and styles, I feel like a Barbie Doll, ready for any occasion or profession. Dressed up just the way someone else wants me to dress.

I finally settle on a long tan and turquoise cotton dress with a slit up my thigh, a chunky turquoise necklace, cowboy boots, and a bunch of silver bracelets that sound like tiny bells whenever I move my hands. Then I spend the next couple of hours learning how to make my hair look like it has beach waves in it. Ugh. I'm gonna have to find some way to get dressed in less than three hours. This is ridiculous!

I walk into the designated coffee shop with five minutes to spare. As I pull open the glass door leading to the seating area, I do a quick survey of the area. No Cosmo.

I'm not sure whether to be relieved or worried.

As planned, I get in line and wait my turn to order. As I wait, I scroll through social media and listen for the chime of the door opening.

When it's finally my turn, I order a caramel hot cider and give them my name. Then I sit at a table closest to one of the front windows and pull out a book - some tawdry romance Keeley was obsessed with and insisted I read one day.

It doesn't take long for me to figure out why she's obsessed. My cheeks are burning and I keep glancing up to make sure nobody is reading over my shoulders. When the server calls my name, I'm happy to put the book down and get some distance from that story.

As I'm accepting my drink, the door dings again.

I turn, and nearly run right into Cosmo, but I stop short, my drink sloshing onto the floor. Wowza.

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