Chapter 18: Case Closed

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It was two days later when, feeling fully recovered from the night's events at Lunalea, I decided to go back to my office, open the doors to my puzzlesolver's agency and get on with the three cases which were sitting on my desk.

As I walked along the familiar streets, I realised they felt different. It wasn't until I had crossed the road at the Temple of the Crossroads and headed down Draper's Row that it wasn't the streets that were different. It was me. Something about the case of The Missing Witch had altered something deep within me, but I couldn't quite grasp what that was.

I had spent time with Vanteray. I had worked the case with Darius. I now knew the town witch, even though we had been neighbours for years and until the other night, never exchanged a word. I had met an astrologer and had an interesting conversation about hex architecture with the keeper of Morteton's arcane and ancient wisdom. I had met two people who could change into animals so as to be employed by a witch. I had seen magic, beautiful, colourful magic, kill some pretty mean people. And I had learned that the dark side of magic was truly horrendous, even if it could be used for some of the most wonderful and inspiring endeavours.

It was then, as I took the turning up Green Alley, that I knew my life would never be the same again. I had seen too much. I had been part of something bigger than myself or my agency. I had worked for the good of the town. I had worked to save lives. And I hadn't been made a laughing stock when I, along with my new friends (yes, Vanteray was right), had asked for help from the townsfolk. And I wasn't sure I wanted to leave the magic behind.

Vanteray, my beautiful former love, had been right. Change was coming. Change was here. But as yet, I didn't know how to feel about that.

As I turned at The Green and headed towards the agency, I passed Mother May.

'Good Morn, Mr Slaine,' she said, without the slightest hint of sarcasm that she often spoke to me with. 'It was wonderful what you and your friends did the other night. True heroics. Wonderful, so wonderful. I told all my friends that I know you, and that we exchange a good morn nearly every single day. Jealous they are.' Her smile was one of joy, one that I found infectious.

'Glad to be of service, Mother May. And a good morn to you too!' I said, taking my key from my pocket and unlocking the door. Only, the door wasn't locked.

I sighed. Things had started so well, but it appeared that I had left the agency unlocked for days. I shook my head at my stupidity, thankful that there was nothing worth stealing within. However, should my clients come to learn of it, they might not be too happy knowing private parchments could have been seen by unauthorised eyes.

I pushed open the door, noticing as I did so that my name was no longer to be found painted across it in bright white letters. I paused. Then I stepped back into the street to check I was about to enter the right building. The puzzlesolver sign was still swinging from its bracket above the door, and so I entered...

To find Tomasina sitting at my secretary's desk, sorting through some parchments.

'Mr Slaine!' she exclaimed with a smile. (Note, I'm not sure I can remember the last time I was smiled twice at in one day, let alone in the space of a few minutes!) 'Shall I get you some tea?'

'Why is my name no longer on the door?' I asked, puzzled by a lot of things in that very short space of time. 'And why are you sitting behind my secretary's desk? And how did you get in?'

'First things first. I'll get you some tea.'

I nodded still feeling bemused but headed to my office anyway, certain things would soon become clear. Yet, things only became even more strange. Just as I was about to enter my office, the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs caused me to turn around.

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