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Leone laid a soft kiss on their Queen's hand. Her reply was a ruffle through their hair. Her glove was made of fine silk. Lovely thing silk is. It's a pleasure to wear and makes the Queen's hand just slightly more bearable.

"The training is going well, my lady."

Her hand lowered to Leone's chin to turn their face up to her. Those ocean eyes holding them hostage. "You know to look at your Queen as she speaks."

"My apologies, my lady."

The Queen smiled, a small laugh escaping her lips. "Oh Leo, always so serious." Her hand dragged from their chin to their cheek. Leone grimaced. "Treat me like a friend, not your Majesty."

"But you are my Majesty." Leone stood up, extending their hand for her to take. They helped her off her throne, her hand intertwined with theirs. She was graceful, lightly tapping her heels on the tile of her castle. She always talked about her distaste for a formal seat like the throne. She had told Leone, and only Leone Romano of the Europan Royal Guard, that if they needed her they could come to her casual rooms or in most urgent cases; bedroom. Strictly against the protocol of a guard.

But to Her Majesty, Katherine of the Vauge Royal House, Leone was no meer guard. Her royal plaything, as that questionable blonde thing put it.

Katherine loosened her grip on Leone's hand, she turned her head slightly. Those blue eyes, outlined by her waves of brown hair and illuminated by her Snow White-like skin. She was so pretty. Like a moon in a barren night sky, she shone. "Leone?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"I want to show you something. Out in the palace gardens."

Leone took a glance out the stained windows of the castle, water drizzled down the sides of the glass. "My Queen, it's raining. You'll soil your clothes."

She stared into Leone. Magenta crept into her eyes and Leone stopped wanting to say the word no. "Leo."

Leone sighed. "Fine. Into the rain."

Katherine smiled and took Leone's hand tighter as she ran them through the castle.

The gardener was still out in the rain snipping rose branches when Leone was dragged out into the cold. Water trailed down their military uniform. Perhaps if Leone had been Her Majesty's guard for longer there would have been medals for the rain to trickle through, alas.

The Queen fared no better, water and the mud of her garden causing the pink she was ever so fond of, to wrinkle brown. Her hair stuck to her face and her makeup bled. It was raining hard, yet Her Eminence does not care for such trivial things as the weather. Neither shall her guard.

"So what is it you wish to show me? You'll ruin your dress if you're out any longer."

"Leo cut it with this constant worry! OH! Here it is! Calian would you mind cutting that flower there?"

The gardener picked up his shears and cut off a small purplish plant. The rain had drenched the poor thing's leaves and petals. Even so, it bloomed beautifully. Leone remained their eyes curiously at the plant.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

"Yes but, you brought me out in the rain for it?"

"You forget I'm allowed to do as I wish." Katherine made a sour look out of her face. Her mouth was stitched up and magenta sparkled once again in her eyes. "This flower is the first petunia in my garden to bloom."

Faint of HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora