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(A short side chapter of Uzi confessing her love to you. Writing this so you guys won't be confused about their relationship moving forward. Also why does this already have 10k+ reads? This is literally just the same storyline but with a few things added in horribly)

You were just lounging around on the couch, bored out of your mind.

You: When is Uzi going to be back already?

As if right on cue, Uzi walks into the room.

You: Where were you? I thought your school let out hours ago.

Uzi: You know, you wouldn't have this issue if you just went to school with me.

You: I refuse to go back to school. One was already hell enough.

Uzi just rolls her eyes and groans.

Uzi: Anyway, I was chatting with N. She seems to be...a little bit different. She's claiming she's having flashbacks about some mansion.

Your eyes widen at that revelation.

You: Hey, um, Uzi? Remember when I said N worked at a place I visited before?

Uzi: Yeah?

Before you could answer, Uzi seems to piece things together.

Uzi: Is it the mansion she's going on about?

You: Yeah... That's the place she worked at and where I visited her.

Uzi's eyes widen, as if realizing something.

Uzi: You can talk to me about this later! We have more important matters to attend to!

You: Like what?

Uzi: Like the fact some internal program is trying to delete her and V's memories! And I'm not going to let that happen!

You: Nice to see you really care about them.

Uzi: Yeah, I do! A-And...I care about you, too...

She blushes as she says that.

You: Thanks, Uzi.

You give her a heartwarming smile, which causes her to blush even more. That's when she decides she can't hold it in any longer. She was going to do it.

Uzi: H-Hey, (Y/N)? C-Can we go to my room real quick? I wanna tell you something.

You were no idiot. The way she was acting was obvious. Was she actually going to do it? You could feel yourself starting to blush as well.

You: Y-Yeah, that's fine.

And so, the two of you went to Uzi's room. Once you entered,  Uzi turns to you as your heart races.

But despite how hard she tried, nothing would come out. And eventually, she gets tired of it. She grabs ahold on you and pulls you towards her, causing your lips to smash onto hers. Your eyes widen at the sudden gesture.


However, she could eventually feel you kissing back. Through the kiss, her feelings was just said to you, without any words. And she could tell you reciprocated those feelings.

You eventually pull away to look at your new girlfriend and saw she couldn't look in the eyes. She was completely embarrassed.

Uzi: I-I like you, okay?! I just...want you by my side, no matter what... L-Like you said you would...

You say nothing. You, instead, just pull her into another kiss. One she seems to quickly sink into, wrapping her arms around your neck. Uzi then pulls away to finally look you in the eyes.

Uzi: D-Do you...wanna, like, c-cuddle in my bed...?

You: O-Okay...

Uzi grabs ahold of your hand and starts to lead you to the bed. You sit down on it, waiting for Uzi to join.

Uzi: B-Before we do this, I wanna switch into something more comfortable.

She goes to change, but not before noticing your eyes are still on her.

Uzi: L-Look away, you p-pervert!

You: S-Sorry...

You look away, waiting for Uzi to finish changing. Soon, she joins you on the bed in her new clothes.

 Soon, she joins you on the bed in her new clothes

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Uzi: S-Stop staring so much...

You: S-Sorry...

You lie down next to her, causing her to awkwardly wrap your arms around you. You were quick to return the gesture.  She puts her head near your chest, listening to your heartbeat.

Knowing that the thing keeping you alive now belongs to her.

With the combination of that thought and listening to your heartbeat, she slowly drifts off to sleep.

And you just hold onto the new love of your life sleeping peacefully before joining her in dreaming.

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