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There were no lights on in the place, which told me for once he wasn't there. The one time I needed someone, and they weren't there. This is one of the many reasons why I never believed in luck or fate.

I stood there in the pouring rain for what felt like hours, as if the longer I stood there, the sooner a light would turn on in the place, but it remained dark.

I was just about to turn around and wander off when a voice from above called out to me and finally rescued me.

"Maia? Damn it, what are you doing standing in the pouring rain?"

Reign ran up to me and draped his coat over my head, but it was no use, I was soaked from head to toe in nothing but a thin jacket and my school skirt. He ushered me into the store and ran into the back to grab a towel and came back to hand it to me.

I mumbled a word of gratitude and dried myself off slowly, but barely. Reign clicked his tongue and took the towel from me. He then led me toward the back and sat me down on one of the chairs in the middle of the room.

He then proceeded to stand behind me and dry my hair for me, as I sat there numb.

"Did Bianca strike you again?" he asked softly.

I shook my head, and he paused in drying my hair, then kept going.

"Was it your father?"

I hesitated, then nodded. I felt his fingertips grip the towel, but he soon relaxed.

"You're staying here for tonight," he said and gestured for me to stand up.

"What?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

He scoffed. "Do you honestly think I'm letting you go back there tonight? You can stay here and come with me to school in the morning, it's the second day of track and field tomorrow, and your boyfriend is going to be there."

"He isn't my boyfriend," I muttered.

"Well, whatever he is, you have to make sure you're in top shape to cheer for him."

"Reign," I started to say.


"Why are you always alone?" It wasn't meant to be a harsh question and thankfully he didn't get angry over it.

"There is no one to let you down or tell you how to live your life if you're always alone," he said quietly. "Stay here, I'll get you some dry clothes and put yours in the dryer."

He disappeared into the workshop and came back out with a large shirt and sweatpants.

"There is a bathroom up front you can use to change," he said. "I'll be here if you need anything."

I nodded and walked slowly to the bathroom. I changed into his clothes that still smelled like him, and wondered where I would be sleeping for the night, if there was only one bed.

I walked back out and Reign wasn't there, but I could hear music coming from the workshop. I wandered inside and saw he was working on a small art easel. I tip-toed around to see what it was and was amazed at the beautiful scenery painting before me.

"Wow, that is amazing."

"It's called 'Yellow Mountain', better known as Huangshan Mountain. It's a place my mother and I always dreamed of visiting one day when her health recovered."

I knew the answer to the question I wanted to ask.

Her health never recovered, and they never got to see the Yellow Mountain.

"Was your mother Chinese?" I asked instead.

He nodded but said nothing more. It was all he was willing to share for the night, and it was more than enough for me.

"We should get some sleep, I have to compete tomorrow for track and field," Reign said.

I nodded and followed him back inside.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked.

He pointed to the bed off to the side of the room. "It's big enough for two people, and I know how to keep my hands to myself."

I smiled a little at this. That wasn't what I was afraid of. I have never shared a bed with anyone, let alone a rather attractive guy like Reign. I was already wondering what kind of attire he slept in if he was shirtless or –

Stop, stop it! My mind was wandering to places I didn't want it to go.

"If you're that worried, I have a couch in my workshop," he added.

"I can't ask you to do that, I'll take the couch." I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Please, let me do this for you. I promise nothing will happen tonight, I just want to make sure you're safe right now."

I bit my lip and felt my chest tighten up. I couldn't remember the last time someone showed this much care or concern for me, and it was after my father had practically assaulted me. I had it coming for what I did to Bianca, but she ruined the one thing I cherished here.

"My stepsister ruined your painting, so I slapped and yelled at her. That was why my father got angry and did what he did," I said and held my cheek.

Reign turned me to face him and placed his hand over mine, then dragged it away. He surprised me when he leaned down and planted a small kiss on my cheek, then slowly pulled away.

"It's just a painting, it wasn't worth you getting hurt over."

I don't know what came over me, but the tears I had been holding back started to pour out of my eyes and streamed down my cheeks. Reign quickly enveloped me in a hug and held me up as my body crumbled.

I stayed in his arms until there was no moisture or energy left in my body, and I felt myself quickly slip into a deep sleep. I don't remember how I managed to make it to the bed, I just remembered waking up in the middle of the night to the best warmth I had ever felt.

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