Love in Light and Darkness

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If you choose to love, love wholly, love true,
Embrace their darkness, not just their hue,
For love is not just about the light,
It's about the shadows, the fears of the night.Love their flaws, their hidden scars,
Love their dreams, their journey to the stars,
For in their darkness, in their despair,
Your love can bring light, can show you care.Don't just love the laughter, the joy they bring,
But also the tears, the sorrowful sting,
For love is a journey, through light and dark,
In the canvas of life, it leaves its mark.So, if you love, love completely, love deep,
In their darkness, let your love seep,
For it's in the shadows, in the silent night,
That love proves its strength, its radiant light.Love their darkness, as well as their light,
For in this balance, love takes flight,
In the dance of shadows, in the glow of the moon,
In the symphony of love, it plays its tune.

Whispers of the Soul: A Symphony of VersesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora