The Paradox of Risk

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"Take the risk or lose the chance," they say,
A gamble in life's unfolding play,
But what if the dice, in the cruellest dance,
Rolls out a path, with no chance?I dared to leap, embraced the fall,
In the game of life, I gave it all,
Yet the board twisted, in life's cruel jest,
I took the risk, failed the test.A paradox it seems, in destiny's tapestry,
A puzzle woven in life's mystery,
I took the chance, dared to risk,
Yet, found no reward, no magic disk.So, let it be a lesson, a murmur in time,
Life's no melody, no rhythmic rhyme,
In every risk, a chance may hide,
Yet, not every leap, ends in a joyful ride.Yet, in every fall, in every lost chance,
I find growth, I see life's dance,
Through risks taken, through chances lost,
I learn to brave life's frost.So, I'll continue to risk, continue to play,
For in the paradox of life, it's the only way,
Even if the chance seems elusive, obscure,
The experience earned, will endure.

Whispers of the Soul: A Symphony of VersesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora