Chapter 2

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"Hurry up guys. We have to get everything into the truck right now." Everyone is hustling to get everything into the truck while double, if not triple checking for everything.

"Ashton relax, we'll be fine." I say. "We've done this thousands of times." "Easy for you to say Corbyn. You woke up what? Five minutes ago?." Ashton replies. He's the bassist. "Ten, to be exact, and that because you were yelling." He rolls his eyes. "Did you at least put your guitar in the truck?" "'Course he did." Reuben chimes in. He's the drummer. "You shoulda seen it Ash, mid brushing his teeth while he was at it." Another voice joins in "Classic Corbyn. He's able to do pretty much anything and get pretty much everything else done at the same time." We all chuckle. "Prancer, you know it to be true." I say. He's our singer.

"By the way Ashton, the last of everything is loaded." I say. "What the, how'd you get that done?!" He's baffled. "For me to know, you to find out." I quickly dash back to my bedroom to fix my hair and get my clothes on. We were all staying at my house so we could remain comfortable. "Alright guys, let's get going." Reuben yells. Soon enough, we're all sitting in the van.

"Hey C, any idea where today's venue is?" Prancer asks. "The Stadium." Everyone looks at me completely confused. "What? Why're you all looking at me like that?" "Uhh what stadium?" Prancer presses. "I told you, The Stadium." "C, that's not answering the question. What stadium?" Reuben says. That's when the realization dawns on me. "Oh. Forgot you guys aren't from here. The Crimson Valley Stadium. Take this left right here into parking and we've reached." I say.

"Hot damn that's a massive stadium. You sure were in the right place?" Ashton says. I nod my head and lead them towards the room where we'll be getting ready. But before we went there, I decided to show them the stage. "Holy mother of marshmallows." says Reuben. "I haven't seen anything like this." mentions Prancer. "I knew you guys would like it." I chuckle " but we have to get to the room now."

We all settle down in the room in our chairs. They set them up in respectable distances so we could easily get our work done and still talk. Just then, the guard pokes his head inside. "One of the photographers will be coming in shortly." "Which one?" says Ashton. "CVPA." the guard says. "Thanks for letting us know."

The guard goes outside and ushers a female photographer inside and I can't help but steal a glance. Blue jumpsuit, redhead, blue eyes. Somewhat of a stark contrast to my blonde hair, grey eyes and the tank, black jeans and jacket I have around my waist. "You good Corbyn?" Reuben whispers. "I'm fine. That photographer though? She looks so damn hot." "Someone's got a little crush." Ashton says. "No I don't. Watch it Ash." "How bout we all shut it, looks like she's about to start taking pictures." says Prancer.

For about forty-five minutes while we got ready, she was silently taking pictures until the guard came to get her.

"Alright guys." Prancer gets up "we have to be focused every minute from now. We have to get tuned and on stage soon." We didn't argue, didn't protest. Me and Ashton quickly grabbed our guitars and started tuning while Reuben was using a practice pad and Prancer was doing some exercises.

Just as we finish up, the announcer walks in. "Alright you guys. You ready?" We all look at each other and nod. "It's now or never." I say.

We move from the room to the side wing where we will enter and the announcer gives us some instructions. "Y'all have minutes to talk whatever you need out and then y'all get on stage okay?" We nodded.

"Corbyn, you've been here before, what do we need to expect?" says Ashton. "Okay. Look, there's going to be photographers in an area of the Stadium where you get the full view of the entire stage. Those seats are tricky to get and only people who have connections, photographers and VIPS manage to sit there. What we need to be mindful of are the photographers. They can take full stage pictures meaning we cannot make any big blunders. Other than that, we try to be ourselves and perform in true Bells fashion. Got it?" Everyone nods their approval.

We spend the remainder of the five minutes pep talking and chatting when we hear the announcer's voice. We get ready at the wing to get out. "Introducing, the one and only, extraordinary four-man lineup, THE BELLS."

We step out onto the stage and get in our spots. Reuben leads us in, and the concert begins.

The Guy with The Guitar: A Forbidden RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now