𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟

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'surely Allah is with those who are patient'

Aliyu haidar drove through the black gates concealing his house with Rahma, his eyes searched for car and he didn't know when he released a sigh when he saw it. He called the security guard over after he parked the car beside Rahma's.

"Did Rahma leave the house?". He asked sitting sideways in his chair, the door opened.

"No oga". The guard quivered lightly but Ali didn't notice. Even if he did and asked, the guard wouldn't speak because he had received a good warning from the soldier.

"But oga, two men come see madam when you comot". Ali looked at him in question.

"Have they been here before?". Ali asked.

"Ehn, one wear soldier uniform and he comes that time with madam mother". Ali nodded knowing immediately it was sudais and probably his friend, dawud who they were always together with, like conjoined twins.

"When did they leave?". Ali asked.

"E never tey,(it's not been long)". Aliyu nodded and dismissed him.

He didn't know what to think about her brother coming. He isn't afraid of the man but he knew well not to mess with him, but that should be an irony as he had done the worse and if sudais found out, it was the end for him. But, he trusts Rahma's love for him. She would do anything for him and earlier, she probably was just hurt, he'll apologize and she'll be fine again.

He inputted the pin, his mother's birthday and then opened the door.

"Rahma!". He called out, usually she'd wait for him by the door. The air in the room still had men's cologne lingering and he felt a wave of annoyance that she again called her family even after he warned her not to severally. That's the problem, she was always putting him in edge, making him angry.

He looked at her face when she emerged from the corridor leading to the rooms and met him in the living room. There was a limp to her step and her face was bruised, he felt something twist slightly in his chest. He shook his head as if to make the possible pity vanish.

"You never learn your lesson. Who came over?". He asked.

"My brothers".

"Why did you invite them, you know I married only you, and not your family". She was quiet watching him, and he started to think of what to say next when she spoke.

"Ali, do you know why you have that problem. Allah is punishing you for what you do to me". She spoke in her normal calm manner.

He felt the anger swirl in his chest, one moment he was feeling pity and regretting his actions, the next she is provoking him.

"And that is how you will continue to be a monster". He didn't know when his hand reached out and grabbed her neck and pushed her against the nearest wall.

"I swear Rahma, if you don't shut your mouth and continue to provoke me, you will hate me". He said lowly.

"Not more than I already do". She choked out and tried to smile, which angered him more.

The replaced by shock when he was detached from her, causing his hold on her to loosen and he was spun around, before he could make out the person's face, a blow landed on his jaw and he could swear he heard his bone crack and his teeth shift. He groaned holding his jaw as he fell it would fall off and his eyes took in the black boots and camo pants. He said a quick prayer for Allah to save him and he dared to look up.

"You bastard". Sudais landed another one and they kept coming until Aliyu haidar was crouched on the floor. Sudais grabbed his collar and pulled him back up, almost satisfied at his bloody face, now this he could look at.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on my sister like that". Another blow to his stomach and he felt his organs rearrange themselves in the wrong places.

"Ya sudais..". He heard Rahma's voice and he knew her love for him was real, she couldn't watch her brother beat crap out of him.

"I swear, you are going to regret ever being born". Sudais spat and moved away from him, Ali slumped to the floor.

He looked at Rahma who was in the arms of her other brother, he hadn't noticed him, when did he even come back from Saudi, Rahma didn't tell him. The trio made their way to the door but Ali didn't have the guts to protest as he knew nothing would make the major leave him then.

As they went out of the door, Ali couldn't move from the floor, his mind wondering what they would do to him. He heard the door open and smiled thinking Rahma had come back and had only gone to escort them but he saw two strange faces in police uniform.

"Mr Aliyu haidar umaru?". He could only stare at them.

"You are under arrest for Physically assaulting Mrs Rahma Nda".

"The fuck! Can't couples have misunderstandings".

"I advise you to keep quiet and come with us as anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law". Aliyu haidar always thought the Miranda rights sounded cool, but he realised that it did when being said in movies but not to his face.


Salma sadiq had tears in her eyes when her sons presented her daughter to her, looking anything but the girl she married off. She wished she had put her down when Rahma was insisting on marrying the idiot, but now they all had to face the consequences.

Still she pulled her daughter in her arms and they cried together but she managed to console her.

Fatima, Salma's cowife, also anty as all the children called her, took rahma from her mother and guided her to her room. She had nothing to say to console the girl, so she didn't say anything. She helped run a bath and after Rahma had spent minutes in the bathroom, she made sure she was well tucked in bed before leaving her alone.

She joined the others downstairs, taking in their solemn looks. She sat beside Salma.

"What are we going to do about this". She spoke and Salma looked at her in question.

"Yaya, you don't expect us to sit quiet when our daughter was brought home to us like this ba?". Salma was quiet, she knew even if she said they should just let the matter die down, no one would listen to her. Everyone had a fire in them and it was only Rahma that seemed to not take that.

"You know, when alhaji hears this he won't be happy". Fatima added and Salma nodded.

"Major, you're the barrister here, how does this work legally?". Fatima turned to sudais.

"He's already in custody, so they'll find a day take the case to court by the end of tomorrow and if he doesn't deny his actions, there will not be much court processes, but if he does, we'll just use the evidences we have. Either way, he's going to get punished". He explained and it satisfied everyone there and after some minutes together, they called it a night.


Rahma didn't have a good night. Even in her dream, she knew she was home, safe from him but he still found his way in and came to her. He blamed her yet again for everything that was happening and she believed him. If only she had actually listened to everyone then this wouldn't be happening now.

She was only pulled out of her tormenting dream when a knock came on the door and she was shook awake by her mother, her eyes snapped open and in that moment Salma wanted to cry again from the pain, fear and emptiness she saw in her daughter's eyes but she willed herself to smile.

"Rahma, it's just me. You're fine". Rahma believed her and nodded.

"It's time for prayer". Her mother told her and she made to sit up.

"Get up". Her mother urged her and Rahma panicked more.

"M..mummy, I..I can't". A sob escaped her lips and Salma looked at her confused, fear gripping her heart.

"You can't what?".

"I can't get up".

𝐴 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝐴𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛Where stories live. Discover now