The First day.

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Chapter 1: Awakening.
P9. The First day.

Me and Leyla chatted with each other and watched the other students enter the class.
We recognised them from the enrolment exam all together including myself and Leyla. We are 50 students.
Most of the students are all present wearing the same orange uniforms.
A few more minutes passed and all the students were inside the class already seated.
The door opened and an instructor walked inside.
Beside him was a girl wearing the academy's uniform.
The girl was the same height as Leyla, had green eyes and her blonde hair was cut up to her shoulders.
“Good Morning new students!” The instructor greeted us.
Everyone's focus was not primarily on the instructor, it was on the girl next to him.
“Before we continue, let me introduce to you Cecilia Bloodfallen. She is also part of the class who due to some circumstances performed her enrollment exam earlier than the rest of you,” The instructor said.
If she did her exam earlier then who was her duel opponent? The most logical answer would be on the instructors.
“Please introduce yourself,” The instructor said to Cecilia.
Cecilia walked a few steps toward us.
“Hello everyone! I am Cecilia Bloodfallen, I look forward to studying with you all,” She bowed her head.
She had an inviting personality complimented by her friendliness.
I sensed immense magic power from her even surpassing Leyla when it comes to magic potential.
Her name Bloodfallen also stuck out to me.
That was the name of one of the noble families who served me in the war.
I remembered them being loyal and a powerful family with immense magic power.
“Thank you, Cecilia. Please find an empty seat,” The instructor said.
Cecilia sat in the same column of seats as me just being two seats in front.
“Now then with that out of the way let me introduce myself—I am Professor Edmar Artios, your homeroom teacher for the time being,” Edmar said.
His last name did not ring a bell which meant he was not of noble lineage.
“Now first things first we will explore the basis of magic circles,” He said pointing to the blackboard.
In an instant, the board was filled with drawings of magic circles different in size.
“Now please take a look at the magic circles,” Edmar said.
I looked at the circles.
“Now all of you understand what magic circles are and how they are constructed via magic blueprints so I won't be covering that. Instead, I'll be showing you how to increase and decrease your magic circles in size to allow for greater or lower output,” Edmar explained.
“Can anyone tell me what these magic circles have in common?” Edamr asked, looking at us.
No one wanted to give an answer looking at the floor or facing the ceiling pretending to think.
Leyla seemed to know the answer but did not want to draw attention to herself instead reading a textbook.
“No one wants to speak it seems,” Edmar said sarcastically.
I raised my hand.
“Yes Mr Ilyas,” Edmar pointed to me.
“They are all the same spell to be more specific; it was the spell of wind Harnesol,” I replied.
The entire class shot me with daggers hearing my answer.
One of them stood out to me and that was the gaze of Cecilia Bloodfallen.
“Very good Mr Ilyias,” Edmar complimented.
Facing the board he explained that increasing and decreasing the size of the magic circle required a slight change in the magic blueprint to determine the potency of the spell, the bigger the magic circle the more destructive the spell becomes.
There are obvious perks to having a bigger magic circle such as the spell carrying more power.
There are drawbacks to this—one is the fact that a bigger magic circle requires more mana depleading your magic at a quicker rate.
Two is the amount of control you possess over the spell the more you increase the size and therefore its power output, the harder it becomes to control, if not controlled it could cause immense destruction and turn against you.
Decreasing the size gives you more control and depleads your magic at a slower rate at the cost of power output.
Time passed by and the lecture was over.
Me and Leyla walked out of the class together.
“Leyla, what do you think of Cecilia?” I asked her, Cecilia was suspicious in my eyes. She was friendly and had a welcoming aura but when she shot me with her gaze that was the total opposite she had hate in her eyes.
“I think she is kind,” Leyla replied.
There is something I need to find out.
“Leyla, do you have any plans for the day?” I asked.
“No. I am free,” She replied.
“Then want to investigate Cecilia to see what she is up to?” I asked Leyla.
“That's creepy,” Her face changed to disgust and she had a look of confusion in her eyes.
I can understand why she thought that it was creepy but Cecilia was not the person who she gave out to be.
“There is something about her, something she hides,” I told her.
“I'll go with you but I won't take responsibility if she catches us,” Leyla said pointing her finger at my face.
I raised both my hands in the air.
“Fine, fine I will take all the blame,” I said with a smile.
“Meet me at nightfall inside the library,” I told her.
The reason why the library was perfect was that no one used the library at night and it oversaw the entire academy from its 360-degree windows at the top.
“I have some other things to attend to,” I told Leyla.
“Alright. I'll see you later,” Leyla waved goodbye and left.
I made my way to meet two important individuals.
Cryos and Vallerie Tepes are waiting for me in her office.
I made my way to her office and knocked at her door.
“Enter,” Tepes called out from behind the door.
I walked inside the room, closing the door behind me.
Tepes stood up from her seat behind her desk kneeling before me.
Cryos landed on the ground lowering his head beside her.
“We welcome our master,” Both of them said at the same time.
I was taken aback I did not expect people to kneel in front of me in this era.
“You know who I am?” I asked.
“Yes…” Cryos said.
“....We know you are the true Vampire King Cassius Xeonos,” Vallerie said.
It seemed that I still had loyal followers after all.
“Please stand,” I told them.
Vallerie stood back up and Cryos began to fly.
“I didn't expect to have loyal followers in this age,” I told them.
“We will always follow our true King,” Cryos said.
“I'm sure you have questions,” Vallerie pointed to the sofa.
I sat on the sofa with Vallerie sitting across from me.
“Please explain how you came to know my name after all these years?” I asked.
Vallerie took a deep breath.
“I'm sure you know that some of the noble families have conspired against you together with Dracula to end your reign,” Vallerie said with her eyes closed in sadness.
“Yes, Dracula himself told me as such,” I explained.
“After your disappearance, he wasted no time taking your place and rewarding the families who have helped him with immense wealth and status,” She explained.
Those traitorous scum will all pay for that.
Cryos began to speak.
“The families who were loyal to you were…” Cryos stopped mid-sentence overwhelmed by emotions.
“They were executed…” I replied.
Vallerie nodded.
“All the families who didn't accept that he was the new King were executed, dying for being loyal to you,” She explained.
I clenched my fists in anger.
“Then how was your family spared?” I asked her.
Vallerie was grabbed with fear and began to shake.
“Our family pretended to serve him through the ages but our loyalty was always with you…our ancestors did not want to die for you however,” She said, walking over to me bowing in front.
“I apologise for this and will accept any punishment given even death,” She said.
I stood up.
Vallerie began to shake more, closing her eyes tighter.
“Please stand, I will not punish your family for wanting to live,” I offered her my hand to help her back up out of respect.
Vallerie was surprised which was quickly replaced with gratitude.
“I thank you, my King,” Vallerie said.
Cryos then began to explain his story.
“I am one of the descendants of the Vlad family,” He explained.
The Vlad family was one of the noble families specialising in magic research.
“My ancestors did not bow to him and were executed as a result only a few managed to escape and we changed our names through the ages,” He explained with sorrow.
Listening to them filled me with pain. I couldn't protect the ones who believed in me…I swore to take revenge for them on the traitorous families and Dracula.
Cryos began to shed tears…
I walked toward him wiping off his tears.
“By my name, I will ensure your family will be avenged and you will gain your noble status once again,” I told him.
“Please treat me as any other student and call me Ilyias. Thank you for sharing the information I needed,” I said walking toward the door.
Both of them bowed their heads.
“We will listen to your instructions,” Vallerie said.
I left the room.
Now I got the full picture, Dracula killed the nobles being loyal to me and together with the traitors poisoned the minds of future generations spreading lies among them.
I went to my dorm to wait until nightfall.
Hours passed and night began to fall.
I went to the library where Leyla was already waiting for me.
“I'm glad you came,” I told her.
“Why are we here?” She asked me with curiosity.
You will see it in a few moments.
We looked out the library window and saw that Cecilia was walking around the campus looking everywhere to make sure she wasn't followed.
“What are you up to Cecilia Bloodfallen?” I whispered.

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