Nocturnal Predator

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Its outside my window again. I can hear it scraping against the brick.

I'd dare a look but I'm terrified of finally seeing it.

It comes every night like clockwork.

I was silently kicking myself for buying the house on the edge of the woods all the way out here a good distance from town.

But city life was getting to be too much and I needed a drastic change of pace.

That was before I knew there was something lurking in the woods.

The people in town were cordial but mostly kept to themselves since I was still considered an outsider having only lived here for six months.

It was one week into moving in that the creepy scraping started every night.

I knew it wasn't an owl or other woodland creature because it would breathe heavily on my window.

While I lay paralized under my blankets as if they were some protecitve force field.

I toyed with the idea of getting a security camera if nothing else but to see what could be coming for a nightly visit.

But I hadn't worked up the courage yet because that made it all too real.

And I wasn't entirely sure it was happening. Maybe it was just some weird dream I had each night.

I'd lay there for hours until my eyes finally got heavy enough and I'd drop off.

I'd have the weirdest dreams too. I was always in the woods in a clearing I'd never seen before in my life.

I could hear a creature crashing through the woods and just before it broke into the clearing I'd wake up.

Drenched in sweat and terrified out of my mind.

Every night it was the same dream.

I was growing tired so the next morning I decided to drive to town and get a security camera.

The old man checking me out in the hardware store gave me a knowing look but made no comment on my purchase.

Crime never happened here so I'm sure it did look suspicious to him but at the same time he made no comment.

Simply just rang up my purchases and told me my total.

I finally found my voice and spilled my guts to this man I'd never met before.

I told him something was messing with me every night and I wanted to set up a camera to catch it on film to see if it was just an owl or maybe a cat.

He pursed his lips and nodded.

"Understandable given where your house is" was all he said.

Like thanks sir now I'm even more freaked out.

I make my way back home and noticed that the daylight was fading. I had to be quick!

Thank God my grandpa had been a handyman and I knew what I was doing.

I made quick work of it and tested out my new camera.

Satisfied I was going to finally have some answers tonight I decided to go in and have a hot bath with some Epsom salts.

Just a little something to help ease the tense muscles I had from being on edge so much.

I was just relaxing in the tub as one does when I hear the scraping but this time coming from the window above me.

Honestly who the hell thought it was a great idea to put a window in a shower?

I freeze at first then remember that I can move the camera to see outside my bathroom window.

I slowly reach for my phone trying my best not to knock it into the tub or make too much noise even though it's obvious this thing knows where I am.

Finally I grasp my phone and open the security camera app.

What I see shocks the hell out of me.

I can make out it's long claws and an outline of it's body.

It's certainly no animal I've ever seen before. It looks like a cross between deer and a goat.

It slowly turns it's head towards my camera and my eyes grow big.

Shit! It knows I have camera. Then it suddenly turns and runs into the woods. But not on four feet the way a deer or goat would. No, it's running like a man on two legs.

I quickly get out of the tub and dry myself off. I dress in a panic trying to figure out my next move.

I decide to travel to my best friends house. She lives in the next city and isn't too far away.

She might know what to do because I sure as hell don't.

I make it there in record time. I'm panting when she opens the door. I didn't even call her first as I was running off pure adrenaline.

I rush past her ready to pull up the footage I got.

That's when I realized. The only thing on the camera you can see is me. Naked in my yard scraping a treebranch on the window.

What the actual fuck?

She looks at me and says she's worried about my mental health since I moved. How it's not good for me to be so isolated all the time.

That's when I have a panic attack of epic proportions.

I start screaming at her that it's not what she thinks never realizing the whole time her boyfriend is on the phone with 911.

And just like that I'm scooped up and sent off to a mental hospital.

No one will believe me. I'm convinced the people in town knew but they kept a lid on it.

I've been here for two weeks now. My room has a window over the bed and I still hear it.

Every night. 

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