Hobby Store from Hell

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It was the same boring Tuesday as last week. Lately my life had fallen into a rut.

A rut of boredom with things rarely ever changing.

Little did I know that today was going to be different. My whole life was about to get turned upside down on it's head.

I decided to visit the local hobby shop to see if there was any new colors of yarn. Maybe I would be inspired and crocheting would offer me a much needed distraction.

As I looked through the many colors and textures (and rubbed them on my face like a weirdo) I noticed a door I had never seen before in the back corner of the store.

I was here every week and knew it was new. Suddenly my curiosity was peaked. I looked around to make sure no other customers were around.

Or worse store employees waiting to bust me for being nosy.

But I didn't spot anyone.

This door was calling to me. It didn't look like a normal door. It was decorated with intricate designs. I didn't think it was just leaning against the wall to be bought.

It appeared to be a functioning door. My heart rate started to pick up as I got closer. My fitness watch alerting me of the sudden change.

But I didn't care in that moment. I had to know what was on the other side of that door.

It actually looked worse for wear once I finally was standing in front of it. Which made it all the weirder. I was positive it was new.

Fuck it I figured. It was now or never.

That's when I heard the screams coming from the other side. I paused my hand over the knob I was just about to turn. I yank my hand back.

My breath caught in my throat. Maybe I should call someone? One of those call an employee buttons was nearby given I was in close proximity to the fabric cutting table.

I shake that off. What am I going to do? Tell on myself? Yeah right!

I grab the knob and twist the door open. As the door is opening I can hear the screams getting louder. And as soon as I push the door the rest of the way open. They stop.

I was expecting to find people being tortured a la a Saw movie. But what greeted me instead was not what I was expecting.

Instead as a landscape so beautiful it looked like it had been painted. The air was sweet and almost tasted like cotton candy on my tongue.

Here I was thinking I was going to see the devil poking people in the butt with a spear or something.

While I'm taking all of this in, suddenly there is movement in the leaves nearby. A host of little woodland creatures start coming out almost as if to greet me.

I was in heaven now. I love little animals. And these little guys seemed so friendly.

It never occurred to me once how bizarre all this was. I was just glad for a change.

I decide to sit down and hope they come to me like a Disney princess.

Boy was I wrong. They did approach me and at first I thought they were greeting me. Then I saw the glint in their eyes and I realized that I fucked up majorly.

They were not the sweet creatures I thought. I must have heard their other victims.

I jump up to my feet and pray I can get the hell back out of here. In the distance I can see the door is still open.

I turn to run and immediately trip over a branch. I'm sure I"m toast now as I hear the patter of their little paws on the dirt.

These little shits were determined I'll give them that.

I could feel the fear in my body start to take over. This was not it for me.

I was not going to go out via murderous forest critters.

The only weapon I had was a ball of yarn. The reason I entered this hellish store in the first place. I swear if I got out of this I was quitting my hobby.

I toss that ball of yarn like it was a bomb and watch as the demon spawn dart off.

I don't waste any time. I sprint to that door like it's my last lifeline because it is.

I make it through and don't stop there after slamming the door behind me. I run all the way to my car in the lost feeling like my lungs are going to explode.

A week later I'm out running errands and see that the hobby store has now closed and looks abandoned. I feel a chill run down my spine. Glad I made it out alive. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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