Prologue : the story teller's tale

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The sun had set over the bustling market square, casting a warm orange glow over the crowd gathered around the storyteller. He was a tall, slender man with a wild look in his eye and a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Ah, my friends," he began, his voice booming through the square, "gather 'round and listen closely, for I have a tale to tell that will make your hair stand on end!"

The crowd leaned in, their eyes wide with excitement. One listener, a young woman with a mop of curly hair, nodded eagerly, her hands clasped together in anticipation.

"It's the tale of the Cycle of Sorrows," the storyteller announced, his voice dripping with drama. "A story of magic, of power, of betrayal... and of course, of sorrow."

A murmur ran through the crowd, with some people nodding knowingly and others looking confused.

"What's this Cycle of Sorrows, then?" a gruff old man in the back called out, his bushy eyebrows furrowed in skepticism.

The storyteller grinned. "Ah, my friend, it's a tale of ancient magic, of a powerful artifact that brings great power... but at a terrible cost."

As he spoke, a gust of wind blew through the square, extinguishing several torches and sending the crowd gasping. The storyteller raised an eyebrow.

"Coincidence, perhaps?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or perhaps... the Cycle of Sorrows is already stirring?"

The crowd gasped, their eyes darting nervously around the square. The curly-haired woman clutched her friend's arm, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Tell us more!" someone shouted, and the storyteller grinned, launching into a tale of ancient prophecies, forgotten lore, and a mysterious artifact that held the key to unimaginable power...

As he spoke, the wind picked up, the torches flickering ominously in the darkness. The crowd listened, entranced, their imaginations running wild with possibilities. And when the storyteller finished, the square was silent for a moment... before erupting into a chorus of gasps, whispers, and excited chatter.

"In the depths of the Immortal Realm, a whisper echoed through the shadows. 'The Cycle of Sorrow has begun.' A chill ran down the spine of the unknown narrator, as the air grew thick with an eerie silence. Suddenly, a figure materialized, shrouded in darkness. The wind howled, and the ground trembled, as the figure spoke in a voice that sent shivers down the spine: 'Kieran, Lyra, Eren... the three who were once one, now torn apart by the very fabric of fate.'

"A flash of light illuminated the dark landscape, revealing a ancient tome bound in black leather. The cover creaked open, releasing a musty scent, as the figure began to read from its yellowed pages. The words spoke of a love so strong, it defied the gods; of a betrayal so deep, it shattered the heavens; and of a cycle of sorrow, that would haunt the trio for eternity.

"As the final words faded away, the figure vanished, leaving behind only the echo of a haunting melody. The narrator was left with more questions than answers, wondering what lay ahead for Kieran, Lyra, and Eren. Would they find redemption, or would they succumb to the Cycle of Sorrow? The silence was deafening, as the Immortal Realm held its breath, waiting for the next chapter in this eternal tale..


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