chapter 3

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The Celestial Kingdom

The Celestial Hall was a majestic sight to behold, its grandeur and beauty unparalleled. The high ceiling was adorned with glittering stars and constellations, shimmering like diamonds against a velvet expanse. The walls were made of a glittering crystal, refracting light into a kaleidoscope of colors, casting a rainbow glow across the room. The air was filled with the sweet scent of roses and the soft sound of gentle music, played on an invisible harp.

The hall was filled with princes and princesses from far and wide, all gathered for the grand celebration. Lyra, with her radiant smile and shining silver hair, was the center of attention, but she didn't notice. Her eyes were scanning the room, searching for someone to talk to.

That's when she saw her - a shy girl, hiding behind a pillar, peeking out every now and then to observe the festivities. Lyra was drawn to her, sensing a kindred spirit. She made her way over, her golden gown shimmering in the light.

The girl was beautiful, with long, curly brown hair and big green eyes that sparkled like emeralds. Her skin was smooth and creamy, with a smattering of freckles across her nose. She was dressed in a simple but elegant gown, made of a soft, silky material that caught the light. But even in her loveliness, she couldn't compare to Lyra's ethereal beauty.

"Hi," Lyra said, smiling warmly. "My name is Lyra. What's yours?"

"I-I'm Sophia," the girl stammered, looking down at her feet.

"Don't be shy, Sophia," Lyra said, taking her hand. "I'm new here too. Let's explore together."

Sophia smiled, her eyes lighting up. "Really? You'd want to talk to me?"

"Of course!" Lyra said. "I love making new friends. And you look like someone who could use a friend right now."

Sophia giggled, her cheeks flushing pink. "I guess I do. I've never been to a royal gathering before. It's all so... overwhelming."

"I know exactly what you mean," Lyra said, nodding. "I've been feeling the same way.

Just as Lyra and Sophia were getting into the swing of things, two princes burst into the hall, causing a stir among the guests. One was loud and boisterous, laughing and clapping people on the back, while the other was quiet and reserved, his eyes scanning the room with a hint of intensity.

The loud prince was dressed in a bright orange tunic, his blond hair messy and unkempt. He looked like a jovial fellow, always up for a good time. The quiet prince, on the other hand, wore a vibrant purple cloak, his dark hair slicked back, revealing piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you. He was a stunningly handsome man, with chiseled features and a strong jawline, but his bright attire made him seem almost... harmless.

No one suspected that this quiet prince was Kieran, the infamous prince from the neighboring kingdom, known for his ruthless tactics and fearsome reputation. Only his friend, the loud prince, knew his true identity, and he wasn't telling.

As they made their way through the crowd, everyone turned to stare, except Lyra and Sophia, who were too engrossed in their conversation. That was, until Kieran brushed past Lyra, his arm accidentally grazing hers. She felt a sudden jolt of recognition, a sense of familiarity that she couldn't explain.

Lyra turned to Sophia, her eyes wide with confusion. "Do you know who that was?" she whispered.

Sophia shook her head. "No, but he's certainly handsome, isn't he?"

Lyra nodded, her mind racing. There was something about him that seemed... familiar. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she felt drawn to him, like they shared a secret connection.

Little did she know, Kieran was thinking the same thing, his eyes lingering on Lyra as he continued through the crowd, his friend by his side. The game was on, and no one knew what would happen next.

The sage, a wise and venerable figure with a long white beard, greeted the young royals warmly. "Welcome, young ones, to the Celestial Kingdom! I am Sage Orion, and I shall guide you through your journey here. But before we begin, we must assess your magical abilities. Please, follow me."

The group followed Sage Orion to a large, circular chamber filled with a dazzling array of crystals and strange artifacts. In the center of the room, a glowing pedestal supported a mysterious, orb-like object.

"This is the Power Checker," Sage Orion explained. "It will categorize your magical abilities and determine your power level. Please, one by one, approach the pedestal and touch the orb."

As each student approached the Power Checker, a beam of light enveloped them, and a soft hum filled the air. The orb glowed brighter, and a voice declared their power level and category.

After all 50 students had taken the test, the results were clear: 10 students had powers above the average, classified as Qilin, while 40 had moderate powers, classified as Phoenix. But two students, Kieran and Lyra, didn't receive a power reading.

Sage Orion smiled reassuringly. "Do not worry, young ones. This simply means you have not yet tapped into your magical potential. You will learn and grow with the Phoenix group, and your powers will manifest in time."

Kieran and Lyra exchanged a curious glance, wondering what secrets their magic held. Little did they know, their journey was just beginning, and their hidden powers would soon be revealed.

With the power checking complete, Sage Orion led the students to the grand hall, where two large doors awaited them. "Qilin students, please proceed through the left door, while Phoenix students, please proceed through the right door."

Lyra and Sophia, both classified as Phoenix, walked through the right door, entering a cozy chamber filled with warm light and comfortable seating. A gentle voice announced, "Welcome, Phoenix students, to the Luminari Sect!"

Meanwhile, the Qilin students entered two separate chambers: the Astrum Sect and the Nova Sect. The Astrum Sect was known for its focus on celestial magic and astral projection, while the Nova Sect specialized in elemental control and pyromancy.

As Lyra and Sophia settled into the Luminari Sect, they noticed a peculiar student, Princess Calantha, who seemed to be the center of attention. Her long, golden hair cascaded down her back like a river of sunlight, and her sparkling blue eyes seemed to gleam with an inner light. However, her haughty demeanor and condescending smile made Lyra and Sophia exchange a wary glance.

"Be cautious of Princess Calantha," a soft voice whispered in Lyra's ear. "She may be charming, but her selfish nature and constant need for validation can be quite... trying."

Lyra turned to see a kind-eyed student, Elara, smiling at her. "Thanks for the warning," Lyra replied, feeling a sense of relief at finding a friendly face in the sect.

As the students began to mingle, Lyra noticed that Princess Calantha was already dominating the conversation, regaling her fellow sect members with tales of her supposed bravery and magical prowess. Lyra and Sophia exchanged a knowing look, realizing they would need to navigate this complex social dynamic with care.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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