Chapter 1 (part 3)

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My grandma lived very close to our house, so I had no trouble making my way to her house. I was on a mission, and I wasn't about to let anything get in my way.

As I rushed up to her porch, I could already imagine my sister screaming at my grandma. I knew I had to act fast before anything more happened.

I rang the bell furiously, hoping for my grandma to answer the door as quickly as possible.

It was now or never. I needed to go in and stop my sister before it was too late.

Finally, I heard the familiar sound of my grandma's footsteps coming towards the door.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," she said, her voice sounding exhausted and worried. I could tell that she had been through a lot already, and I wasn't about to let it continue.

As I heard the door unlocking, I was ready to storm in and stop my sister. I had one chance to do this right, and I wasn't going to let anything get in my way.

I waited impatiently as I heard the turning of the lock.

The lock finally turned, and the door opened slowly. I saw my grandma staring at me, her face looking worried.

"Oh, dear, is everything okay?" she said, but I didn't have time to answer.

" is my sister okay? Are you okay?!"

"What?" She said in confusion

" sorry but I-uh I came to visit my sister " I stormed right past her, ignoring her worried questions.

Maybe she still didn't touch my grandma yet if that's true then , I probably have a better chance of stopping her before tries anything

I rushed to the living room. I could hear the sounds of a fight coming from inside, and my heart was racing

As soon as I entered the living room, I saw my sister holding a knife with ill intent towards my grandpa. Immediately, I snapped into action and rushed towards my sister to disarm her.

I didn't hesitate for a second; I knew this was my chance to save my grandpa and my grandma from this terrible fate.

As I grabbed the blade from my sister's hands, I could feel a surge of adrenaline flowing through my veins. I was acting on pure instinct and adrenaline, wanting to stop my sister before she could do anything else.

I wrestled the knife away from my sister, but she was trying to resist me. She was trying to get it back, but I was determined to keep it that way. I had to make sure that she couldn't hurt anyone else.

While trying to stop her my sister pushed me away in the middle of her range falling I hit my head hard on the couch

The force of my sister's push was unexpected, and I fell backwards onto the couch with a hard thump. A sharp pain ran through my head, and I felt a sudden rush of dizziness. But I had to fight through it and get back up again, because there was no time for a moment to rest.

" Your brother!" Screamed grandma seeing what had just occurred


" what did you do!?"

As I struggled to my feet, I could hear my grandma cry out in disbelief and pain. She was clearly shocked and devastated by what she saw in front of her, watching her grandson being assaulted by his sister.

My sister yelled back in an indignant anger, "He attacked me first." But I could tell that was a blatant lie.

The sight of my grandma's shocked and horrified expression was all I could see, and I was filled with guilt and regret.

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