Dear Nightingale,

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I guess everything comes to an end. Those butterflies that flew in my stomach will no longer flutter when I see you, and that's okay. I know healing from someone who broke you is much worse than losing something you value, and I know you still value him. I still hope for your great recovery, Nightingale.

Yes, it hurts. I admitted that I had a crush on you, but I didn't get a reply back. You just want to sugarcoat all the words you want to say so you won't hurt me. But that's way worse than admitting the truth. I'd rather know what's true than search a well-lit room for some darkness I won't even find. Thank you for the darkness; I will find my light. I'll be someone's light.

This collection consists of every move you made that made me go crazy for you once in a while. The way I think it's your sign, it's just not truly mine. The way I get woken up at dawn is because I had a dream with you in it. This. This is what I should've told you every morning in my mind, in my fantasy, in my imagination.

Find someone who will be your light, nightingale. Do not waste time on someone who only gives birds a single treat.

With unending love,

Mendel Wyatt


I hope you'll know how to play the guitar in the future. :)

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