Daddy Minotaur and his Pamper Princess

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 Mary didn't like walking all too much, she much preferred the ease and peace that sitting down in any sort of vehicle provided. They were clean, quick, and also had air conditioning too; it was one of her favorite details. Walking was a different story for the girl. Sure it was needed and got you where it needed to, but she never understood why people did it to travel long distances! It lacked all the benefits of a vehicle. People walked short distances, not whole trails or up mountains and back down again, people who did that usually lived on themed-primitives worlds, much like the one she was on now and walking one forested trail that many others had before her.

 Her boots were now dirty, covered in dirt and little, green plant things that stuck to her clothes. The pack on her back was starting to feel a little heavy despite her bionic spine. She never knew that was even possible in truth. It was hot and muggy too, sweat having fallen into her eyes many times during the trip and causing her to wipe it away with her sleeve. NOt to mention her diaper was starting to chafe on her as well, the humid environment not doing the poor girl any favors in wanting to stay clean. The diaper powder only got her so far with all the movement she was doing. Begrudgingly she'd have to change herself in a tent or hopefully a restroom somewhere along the trail. It was another little gripe added onto the total she'd been counting up. Hopefully there was a changing station that she could use, her small frame and size had some benefits other than being treated like a little kid.

"Um, dad? How much longer until we find a rest area? I um. I kinda need to, you know." Her voice broke the relative silence of the forest, other than the wind and her diaper crinkling silently she could hear the sounds of nature all around her. Birds, replicated from the homeworld. Animals long-extinct brought back to sing their long overdue cries and calls. The loud stomping of a beastial creature that walked alongside her. The creature was an eight foot tall beast covered in fur from hoof to horns and antlers. The body of a man, the head of a beast and a snout that expelled steam when they got active. The little girl shirked her back on a little tighter as the Minotaur; the Beastman, looked down at her. Mary's eyes didn't stare for long as they looked down to her boots once more as she felt the slightly accusing stare on her.

"Did my little princess have an accident already?" The rumbling voice asked with a not-so-small smirk. With one massive, muscled hand that could've easily crushed the girl; gently ruffled the girl's platinum-silver hair, causing Mary to blush intently. "N-no! I didn't have an accident! It's just that all this walking is making it feel all gross! Besides, I don't have accidents that easy ya' know! I'm not eight or whatever, I'm fourteen now. That's 140 cycles; 140 years!" Her cheeks felt a little warm as her father rumbled out a low chuckle. She could feel it through the ground and up through her boots. It was hard to feel any level of 'big kid' around them.

"Ah yes. Much older now and clearly growing into her sass too! Careful now, too much of that and you'll find yourself having to buy yourself your own 'royal potty pants!' The minotaur chuckled another mighty storm as Mary blushed ever more intensely. "Dad. Please... What if Uncle hears?" Mary grumbled, wiping sweat from her forehead before looking around. Her uncle was the only other human around that she knew of that was with them. Besides that, she really didn't want him to know that the newest human to be born came out magically broken and stuck on potty training for the rest of her life. It was something that Mary dearly kept close to her chest, her species was nearly sterile and had to live up to their glory! The pressure was needless to say, quite heavy on the girl's shoulders.

"Uncle Lafayette is doing whatever that crazed bastard does best, getting into trouble. No doubt the man is trying to wrestle a bear or worse, get a dire-bear to wrestle! That man has a deathwish, Mary." The words of her dad went in one ear and out the other as Mary shifted around in her long-skirt. Her diaper was starting to really get on her nerves now. The urge to drop everything and to do something akin to a potty dance was ever-growing on her and almost appealing. "Yea. I know he's a little crazy but, whatever! Just when are we getting to a bathroom or something? I really have to change!"

She pleaded and looked around, half expecting to see someone listening in on her but found nothing other than trees. Her one good eye turned up to her dad with a plead for help or at least a bone thrown her way. The beastman looked down at his precious, padded princess and his eyes softened. He had never been a child or any form of youth or even defecated or produced waste, unlike his little girl. He was but 'spawned' into existence in his home dungeon and simply 'was' from there. "We're not far now, lucky for you. It should be around the next bend on the path and it'll be the little shack. Well. If it's still standing, that is."

"If it's still standing? I- what do you mean?" Mary questioned, her frustration starting to get the best of her as she stiffened and stood a tad bit straighter. Her future diaper change was dependent on the hope of some shack against the elements? Things on this world weren't built like a starship nor on a colony world. Things built here were a gimmick, built with tools and techniques of another age! "I can't change myself on the forest floor! Or some grimey, stained floor either!"
Lummex sighed, it was just like Mary to get herself worked up. His little girl was temperamental when it came to her 'potty pants' and near-all things about them. "Mary, if you keep working yourself up like that, you're going to have an actual accident in your padding." Lummex said quietly to the girl.

The reply was only the continued footsteps and muffled crinkling of the diaper. Small sticks were crushed and trampled over on the worn path along with leaves and small rocks being kicked out of the way. "Sorry dad." Mumbled the girl. His own response was delayed, not out of spite or wanting the feeling of regret to set in, but just wondering how he could help his little girl. "It's quite alright Mary. You have a unique status effect and curse, there's nothing you can do about it." With one of his free hands he'd gently pat the girl's head. The idea of picking her up came to mind but... seeing how she was already angsty about her diaper, it wasn't for the best.

 Mary would reach up with her hand and hold onto her father's own hand, a small but noticeable smile on her face. "Status Effect? I know you're magical, dad. But I'm not. It's called- well, nobody seems to know." She said before holding her dad's hand a bit tighter and walking a bit closer beside him. Lummex would shake his head before letting out a small cloud of steam from his snout. The turn in the path slowly coming into view. "Yea, well. Sorry for trying to relate to my little girl. I thought you were a big enough girl to figure out what I was trying to mean. Guess not." The Beastman said with a shrug. "Guess that means you can't handle changing yourself either and need me to help you do it. Hmf, here I thought you were old enough!"

 With a groan Mary would lean into her father's arm and begin to pout. She seemingly could never win with the minotaur. Though with her one good eye she'd look up to see him smiling down at him, the shade of a tree blocking the sun behind him. "You're an alright daddy." Mary muttered quietly, giving Lummex's arm a tight hug as he chuckled and replied. "And you're an alright pamper princess."

 The duo's footsteps and quiet laughter slowly faded as they followed the path around the bend and started the much easier walk down the gently sloping hill. Trees would cover them with shade the whole way as they formed a small canopy. The sight was almost enough to make Mary forget just why she needed a change. Though the feeling came back soon enough as that muggy sensation returned. To the joy of both, they could see the little shack in the distance and even more lucky was the little baby changing station sign on the front of the shack. Even if it brought a hot-pink blush to Mary's face, it was a very welcomed sight!

(Diaper Fic) My Dad's a Minotaur!Where stories live. Discover now