Minotaur for a Dad pt.2

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 Finally, it was within sight. An admittedly small and rather dingy shack to call a bathroom but it was a far better option than to change out in the open and in the middle of a forest! It would be private, secluded, and more importantly, sheltered. Privacy was something she valued greatly, especially when it came to the whole diaper thing that was laden upon her. She had to admit to herself that they were somewhat comfortable to wear and they were rather cute at some points. They did provide her with some more leeway when it came to bargaining with her dad or trying to win him over on this or that. But right now, her diaper was driving her up the wall with how itchy it was becoming as these things were not designed with trail walking, in the heat in mind!

 She'd taken a farther position back from her beastly father, out of sight and somewhat further back from his hearing would allow. Frustration she'd fiddle with her own skirt or walk a bit awkwardly in order to just get the diaper to stop riding up on her. With all the commotion the girl caused, it was hard not to hear her or the diaper loudly crinkling away. "No wonder why there's no animals, they could hear us from miles away with how loud my dad stomps around and how noisy these stupid diapers are!" Mary thought to herself as she picked up her pace once more as the bathroom came into view. Looking up she'd spot her father turn and stomp one of his hooves idly as he came to rest near the entrance to the bathroom. She only came up to around near his waist in height, he was a fae-creature, a minotaur no less! The memories of when she was younger, how he'd pick her up to carry her to a changing table briefly flashed in her mind. He was still very much capable of doing that, even still did it from time to time.

 Looking up to him and feeling the weight of her diaper and her backpack, she thought about that option briefly. It was something of a long walk, her legs were tired and didn't feel like clambering onto some old changing table either. Not to mention it was a little nice when someone did change her... "Trying to decide if you want to be a big-girl, huh?" The rumbling tone of her father said abruptly and disturbing the silence of the forest. "What? No! I was just wondering if you had my changing supplies is all! You carry a whole lot of stuff!" The Minotaur would rumble a chuckle before removing one of the tied-on carrying sacks that he had placed on himself before the start of the trail. With one of his massive arms he'd reach onto his back and but yank free the pack and set it down beside his daughter before taking a knee.

"I do. And many of those supplies are your changing supplies, missy. How many diapers do you go through again? Four, maybe five a day? I can't quite remember anymore. That's not to mention anything intentional." Mary's cheeks would flush deeply as she clenched her fists together and gave a light punch to her father's arm. It only served to hurt her own tiny hand, her father was a minotaur; an eight foot tall monster of fae-muscle and beastly resilience! The intention was never meant to cause hurt. She'd shake her hand from the light pain as that wasn't even enough to stop or hide the blush that she had. "I don't do that stuff anymore, dad! I've grown out of that! Even if I do go that much you're not supposed to talk about it! That's Private information! And- ow! What are you even made out of anyways?!"

"A little bit of magic. A little bit of biology. It never hurts to have a reflect spell on yourself too. I've changed your messy little pampers for several decades now, I don't think it's a secret between you and I anymore, sweetheart." A bout of steam would leave his snout as he reached into the bag and began pulling things out. Baby wipes, baby powder, and a would-be diaper if he could've found one. "Can't say I was expecting my own pamper princess to be the one who had the reflect spell backfire on her today. It wasn't a bad punch, for my little girl that is." Lummex added softly. "Have you been asking for your uncle to try and train you in your freetime?" Mary would rub her hand idly as the rush of heat to her face was still coming on fast. How did he know she sometimes used them on purpose, that's not something anyone can figure out or is supposed to spend time thinking about! "Yea. I have. Some of the crew back home; they don't mind training me sometimes. It hurts most of the time." She'd clutch her hand and shake off the pain. Just because she was a diaper-wearing baby didn't mean she acted like one... most of the time.

"Dad, can you please not talk about how much I use them? That feels a bit... too personal." She could see Lummex give her a quick look before huffing and letting that small gust of steam leave his snout. Normally Lummex always looked like he had a scowl over his face, the antlers, horns, and fur always made his expression hard to read. But the two had been together for so long she'd grown able to more easily read the big beast-man's looks. This time, he almost looked sad. He'd then pull out a plain, white diaper along with a booster towards her. She'd take them and hold them close, the smell of diaper powder and of a nursery filled her nose. It made her nostalgic for the old days. These diapers she wore now were plain, lacked the infantile designs that she was normally accustomed to and cherished deeply. Sadly it was better to bring these than to ruin and run through her more infantile ones she had back home. Still, a diaper was a diaper. "Sorry dad, I didn't mean to try and make you sad or anything." Mary added quietly as her father stood once more, handing her supplies one by one. "No, no. It's quite alright. My little girl is growing up and I need to understand she needs her privacy."

 With her only one eye, Mary could still see that her father's ears were lower than normal, his eyes a bit more heavy. She would frown, the itchy and growing annoyance of her boggy diaper leaving her. "But I'm still your pamper princess, right?" Mary asked softly, stuffing the diaper powder bottle into one of her pants' pockets that she wore under her skirt. She'd then feel a hand on her shoulder as Lummex brought her close, looking down at her and brining himself back onto his knees. "Yes. You still are to me, Sweetheart. Just don't mind me, I'm just realizing that you're growing. Perhaps you're not my baby girl anymore, but my little girl now." He chuckled softly. "Not much of an upgrade but I know how infantile you can be sometimes." Mary could see him smile as she snuggled up closer to her dad and gave him a mighty hug. Well- about as mighty as a hug could be from the small girl to the beastman. It took only a second before he hugged back, surrounding the girl in fur and causing her to let out a giggle that soothed the soul of her father. "Well. I guess I like that upgrade." Mary said with a broad smile. "But I hope this means you won't pat my diaper every hour in order to check it!"

 His laugh was loud as he let Mary go to let her step away and stuff the rest of the supplies into whatever pocket she wanted. "Hah! Fine. I'll check you every two hours then. I'm sure that's enough time to make sure you don't get too messy if you have an accident! Knowing how much of a little heavy-duty trooper you can be." She'd watch as her dad stood up, a sly and knowing smile on her own face as she let that little comment slide this time. It was the truth, but she needed a change and didn't want to spend anymore time trying to balance out independence and dependence. "Hmph. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to freshen up!" She said indignantly and made a small 'royal' gesture with her hands. With a turn of her heel she'd walk over the shack and press her hand to the door before watching it open on its own. "Of course your majesty, I live to serve." Lummex said, opening the door by easily reaching over her head to push it open. He'd watch his little girl enter the bathroom and let the door shut behind her. If she needed him or caved and wanted him to change her, he'd be waiting right here for her. With another bout of steam leaving his snout, he'd think quietly to himself and listened as the trees all around him moved with the wind. He'd lean against the wall of the building and stare up to the canopy that shaded him and the building, the trees having grown miles upwards and into the sky.

 He knew that Mary was like a switch when it came to either feeling some sort of independence or wanting him to baby her. Perhaps living surrounded by demigods would do that to a growing girl with bathroom issues. Perhaps it was because she was human? Perhaps it was because of how she was growing? Lummex would sigh as he began to polish his backward leaning antlers. He didn't understand humans or those who weren't fae in nature like himself. Life was so simple back on his own world and in his own dungeon. He'd close his eyes and then smile. "I never regretted a second of leaving it behind." He whispered silently. Mary was -his- little girl and if she wanted and loved her diaper antics, then he would put up with them. Granted, he still didn't understand humans, but he was making slow progress to understand his precious little princess. He would drop the rag he was using on his antlers back into his own bag before placing a hand where he had been struck earlier. "Feisty little thing too. Damn proud of you Mary." He didn't feel any pain, nor would have if there wasn't a minor reflect spell on him either. He did feel the force of the pitiful smack to himself, it was enough to seriously injure some of the other races out there. "My little warrior princess, no less. There's not a single way you could ever let me down." He mused to himself before he began to polish his left antlers. After that, his horns.

(Diaper Fic) My Dad's a Minotaur!Where stories live. Discover now