Chapter 6-The Brownie Effect

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I heard the sound of loud a hip-hop songs playing from the distance. Immediately, I knew we were close to venue. The sun was ready to set, and its orange glow bathed everything in its sight.

A wide mahogany board stood above a concrete wall with the name “Martinsville Estate” written italicized.

“We’re here” Mateo said as he drove to the front of the stoop, a little distant from the board. The house of the twins was a mansion. The entrance door was made of glass, though the exterior seemed to be of hard concrete— covered in ash painting. The pillars were a bit tall, and the lighting was neon yellow all-round the angles atop the ceiling.

Everything seemed normal from the outside, till we walked up the stairs leading to the entrance. No one was present to receive us, but we weren’t alone as we walked in. Mateo pecked the lady beside him on her cheek and they walked forward, passing through a door which led to the swimming pool.

The house felt warm and welcoming at first. I didn’t know how exciting things could get in a matter of time.

“We didn’t bring a gift” I said to Kez, and she didn’t seem to care.

“We do this annually” she shrugged “And we don’t bring anything. It’s like a tradition. The twins have everything covered, from the kegs to the wine, the brownies, and the weed. Just mention and you’ll find it. And lest I forget” she added “There’s always food in the fridge, you can just heat it up in the microwave, and you’re set”

“I think I’m full” I replied as I watched her smile.

“You’re so beautiful” she said. I felt shy. This was the first time someone ever complimented my looks in Hells-Ending.

“Thanks” I said, twisting a strand of my brown curls.

Just then, a lady called Keziah’s name in front, after walking out the door which led to the pool. She wore a black bikini, strutting her way out as she dried up her wet hair in her hand towel.

“Zaynab?” Kez called out as they both walked slowly to themselves. Zaynab halted drying her hair as she got closer. Then they paused, staring at themselves in a sort of awe.

“I love your hair” I heard Kez utter, yet I stood still, watching the whole scene in sudden surprise of their exchange of flirtatious compliments.

“You smell nice”

“Your almond eyes dazzle me, and you look tanner than before”

“I’m still adjusting to the heat” replied with a half-smile.

“You’re beautiful” Kez said. Her hands cupping Zaynabs’ cheeks.

“Likewise” Zaynab uttered in a retort. “You’re, glorious” she articulated in a sort of whisper, and then their faces gently drew closer by the second, right before their lips touched.

The lights from the bulb flickered, stealing the attention from the two couples.

Apparently, someone bit on a naked wire without getting electrocuted. His hair jumped forward, nonetheless. Then he joined the two naked wires with his bare hands.

Shortly, the light stabilized, and the TV screen glowed in blue.

My hands were clasped tight above my chest, and I could feel my belly tingle in joy. I felt overwhelmed by such sight, yet it was how they kept on kissing that made me want to feel affection.

“Who is she?” I asked, and a young lad who wore a jean overall answered.

“She’s Zaynab; the twins favorite cousin. They both claim they’re soul mates, although they seem unable to handle the distance. Let’s see how things work out” he walked towards the dining with two bottled beers in his hands. What’s the obsession with everyone and intoxication? I thought.

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