Chapter 8- The death. The Wolf. The suspicion

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I awoke to a grave silence, threatening the sound made by the flapping curtains as the breeze blew. I felt the heat rub on me due to the warm air. The sun shone brighter than all the previous mornings in Hells-Ending— though this time, there was a malignant aura in the atmosphere. I inhaled smoke— one which seemed polluted, blending with the odor of gas and burnt wood.

And while I tried depicting the scent, someone knocked twice on the door in a way that startled me.

“Are you awake?” he asked.

“Who’s there?”

“Your father?” I walked out the bed and walked towards the door before I turned the door’s handle in my night gown. Soon, the door was opened and he reached towards my neck with his left hand.

“You had a fever yesterday”

“It was the chase” I answered awkwardly, trying so hard to lie. “I thought I was stalked by a stalker, but it’s all in my head”

“At least you’ve made it clear. No more partying or night activities”


“No buts…You said it yourself, someone stalked you”

“Dad” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I’m fine. I got home in one piece”

“That’s a good Testimony. You didn’t arrive with a broken leg. But you’re still my daughter, and I don’t want to lose you to some stalker who might abduct you.”

“Okay, I get it. No more partying for me”
“And night activities?”

“And night activities” I repeated for clarity’s sake.

“Go get prepared. You’ll be late for school” My eyes bulged in realization that I had slept carelessly through the night.

I rushed in to take a quick shower, after which I dressed in a plain white T-shirt. My hair remained damped, and I liked that it was.

I couldn’t tell if Mateo and Kez were available. So, I picked up my phone and dialed their contacts times without number without either of them picking up.

I was infuriated.

Without any further choice, I picked up my bag beside the wardrobe and shoved my phone in my left pocket.

I took an apple from the fridge. It was chill in my hands for a moment, until I heard a car horn outside.

“Good riddance” I said, ready to snub the hell off the siblings. Yet when I arrived the front porch, I saw dad in a BMW.

“Hurry” he said, sticking his head out the window. “You don’t want to be late for school”. I sighed in surprise, walking down the staircases before I sat beside him, silently, on the passenger's seat.

The more he drove on the road, I noticed how odd the road looked. A few drops of blood revealed above the pavement. A streetlight bent halfway, almost close to the ground, and I was sure I wasn’t hallucinating the previous night. I was followed, for sure, and the person who chased me in stealth meant bad for me in the harshest way.

Father kept looking at the road suspiciously, before looking at me with the bombastic side eye.

“You’re sure you’re not hurt?” he asked. I plainly nodded.

“Never been better” was my reply.

The looks on his face at that moment, clarified he didn’t trust me. But he had no choice. He had to believe I was safe and fine or else he wouldn’t live with the image of me getting hurt by some psychopath. He’d eventually kill that person at first sight, if such a person existed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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