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Jack pov.

It's all messed up to be true. Aman having another mate and that mate is pregnant. It's crazy being to be on top of the chain/society. You are the hunter but prey thinking they are hunter.

I don't care who tried to pull this stunt on him to drug him. I am going to destroy him.  I am going destroy them.

Firstly I need to take care of Noah . I don't know when I fell asleep while holding him in my arms.

After helping in kitchen for breakfast i went to call Aman downstairs for breakfast. So i entered his room and called for him.

I saw he was not in his bed so i checked for him in his bathroom. He was not there to so i checked for him in his studyroom . I didn't found him there too. I called him his phone was ringing on the table.

I went there I saw his phone and envelope under it. I found a letter. He ran away from house.

I went downstairs saw mom dad and Noah there. Noah asked," where is Aman?"

" Aman is not his room he ran away. I found this letter on his table."

"Is he stupid or what ? Running away from home. Is he teenager or what.this is ridiculous." Mom said.

"My dear wife if you are forgetting he is a teenager. He has been shouldered every responsibility over himself. It doesn't mean you should forget he is kid too. He is our only child." Dad said.

"I am not saying he is not our kid. This is just ridiculous for him to run away. "(Mom)

" I am also not saying he is right for doing it. You need to stop meddling in his life. He is old enough to take care of himself."(Dad)

"So you are saying I am meddling in his life now. He is my son I want best for him." (mom)

"I know but you tend to forget. He is not a sensible and sweet kid he seems to be . He just respect and love you enough to not do anything to you.

Even you do something against him he doesn't do anything. Otherwise you know how cruel he can be towards others and especially himself."(Dad)

"You are trying to say that i don't know him enough. I know everything he do. " (Mom)

"No no Indra i want you think over your behaviour. The past months of behaviour you are being a overprotective over him. You even told his mates to not be near him.

He simply didn't want to hurt you. So he tried to reconcile you with his mate in other way by making them move in. He didn't go against you he just want you to be happy.

I know you didn't misbehave with them at all. You seem to forget that Aman doesn't like someone interference in his life." (Dad)

"Albert I didn't interfere in his life. I tried my best to do everything for him. Even i didn't raise him. I still know him. I just didn't want him to get hurt due to an other unexpected mate.

So just to cool him down and solve this puzzle I told him to be in his room for some days. "(Mom)

"That's what I talking about we didn't raised him. You forget my father raised him due to my one mistake which cost him his life ( Dad)

" It wasn't your fault dear. It was just circumstances. " (Mom)

" I don't want to talk about this anymore. Jack dear read the letter for me." Dad said.

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