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Lily-belle deng

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Lily-belle deng

Desmond Kamara: The two girls and boy, Adessa Kamara, Kemi Barre and Soren Kamara are my children. This behavior is expected because they didn't grow up together. My disappointment lies with Waldon Smythe, he has done nothing to protect Adessa and Soren. Kemi, Liz and Raven should have been punished earlier to curb the habit but Waldon did nothing. My daughter Ade lived in fear because of Kemi. She begged us to take her to another school but we chose to keep her in Riverview academy because it's a good school. I am requesting the board to consider terminating Waldon Smythe's contract as Head master immediately. My boy Soren is not a violent child. He acted out because of his sister who he loves. Parents, it's time to put an end to Waldon Smythe's leadership.

Ivory Opia: My son Jensen is facing disciplinary action for standing up to bullies. He should be congratulated for standing up for what he believes in, not this. Jensen is a good son and friend as you've seen. This man Waldon has created a toxic environment in this school. I am requesting the Board of trustees to focus their attention on him. He's very incompetent and uncaring.

Roman Bekele: The three girls who assaulted Adessa Kamara should be expelled immediately. They have not only done it once, but other times too. Other students are not here but if they were they would also say the same thing about them. This school deserves to be shut down for allowing students to live in an environment where they are afraid to even come to school. Where they are insulted about their appearances and God knows what else that hasn't been said. My son Jensen has gone through a lot of bullying in this school but he refused to tell me about it until yesterday. How could a student put a rat in my son's sauce and the headmaster merely punished them? Do you know what kind of diseases that rats carry in their bodies? They should have been expelled immediately but instead Waldon favored them and gave them an opportunity to continue their antics until yesterday when they were caught by a teacher. Waldon Smythe needs to be removed from his position and never be allowed to be a Headmaster at any school, ever again!

Regererai Dube Moyo: Adessa Kamara is a friend to my son so I know her personally. In the few moments I spent with her, I came to like her because she was loving and caring. My son told me how he once came to class and found Raven beating her up like she was a boxing bag. Kemi was urging her on. He came in and defended her. What kind of school allows bullying to escalate to physical violence? We pay a lot of money to send our children to Riverview academy because it's one of the best schools in London but instead they are encouraging a toxic environment where their right to a safe and healthy environment is violated. The three girls need to go. Soren Kamara acted in defense of his sister. Remember, he has watched her go through the most with this girl Kemi Barre.

Esperanza Graves: I am asking the board of trustees to reinstate my daughter Cassie's scholarship. Cassie deeply regrets her actions and acknowledges the severity of her mistake. Give her a second chance.

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