Chapter 8

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“Peter, why are you doing this?!” Kate shouted. She had just entered the forest when Peter grabbed her arm and began dragging her back into the house.

“It’s for your own good. Now do as I say and get back in that house!” Peter replied, his voice getting louder with each word.

“No! I can’t go back to being stuck in one place. I need to get out. Please!”

“And what if something happened to you? Did you ever think about that Kate, what if something happened to you and we couldn’t do anything to help?”

“But you know al-”

“No Kate. I don’t know. That’s my point.” Peter dragged his fingers through his hair getting exasperated with his sister. Taking a deep breath, he continued on in a calmer tone. “I can’t have something happening to you like it did to dad. Can’t you see that?”

Tears filled Kates eyes at the thought of their father. It had been a few weeks since the accident that took James from the Jacobs family. Glaring at Peter, she hissed at him,

“That’s low, even for you. How can I not think about that.” With that, Kate yanked her arm free from Peters and sprinted into the forest., tears falling freely from her eyes.

“Kate! Kate come back!” Peter yelled. The door to the house creaked open, surprising Peter. “Mum? What are you doing up?”

“Really Peter. It is nearing mid-morning.” Hannah shook her head at her son’s words. “I believe the question should really be what on EARTH do you think you are doing?” Peter gaped at Her.

“I… I-I-I-well she-”

“I don’t want to hear it. How could you do that to Kate? She hurts just like the rest of us so let her be. I need you to be there for her, not pushing her away.” Hannah opened her arms wide and Peter moved in to hug her, just as he did when he was younger.

“I’m sorry mother. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“I know sweetheart. You didn’t mean it but it’s happened now. What is done is done.” Hannah took a step back and took hold of Peters hands. “Now off you go, carve me a pretty animal would you dear?” she asked. At that Peter left allowing Hannah a moment of Peace before Ellen returned. Lost in thought, Hannah moved back into the house and began pottering in the kitchen area, pulling out ingredients to make Kate’s favourite treat. More often than not she would find herself thinking about James and how much Peter was like him. A fresh wave of grief rose up at the thought of her dead husband, it would not do to be seen weeping still when she knew in her heart it was time to let go and be strong for the children.

“Mother” came Ellens voice through the open Kitchen door. A hint of worry laced ther tone. “I think you need to come out here a moment…”

Curious as to what worried her eldest daughter, Hannah crossed to the window only to reel back in surprise. Two men on horseback had appeared at the break of the forest, on the trail to the village. The faces of the men were weather beaten and tired looking although their expressions displayed a no-nonsense attitude. Their clothes were heavily worn and dark, blending into the foliage, and bore no sign of a crest bar a small pin on their left shoulders. Hannah pressed a hand to her chest and moved out of sight. Panic had begun to grow, and her thoughts moved rapidly. Were these men friends or foes? Were they hunting for Kate, and if they were, to what purpose? To return her to her mother or hold her ransom? Hannah shook her head. No, they would not take her daughter even if they were sent by her biological family.

“Ma’am” one of the men called. “Please may we speak with you? It is a matter of some urgency and we must not tarry in our task.” Hannah took a deep breath to gather her courage before stepping outside into the midday sun.

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