Chapter 11

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The morning had passed rather quickly and Kate was beginning to feel uneasy, she still had not told Hannah or Peter about her encounter with the soldiers the day before. It was now after midday and everyone was out. It was market day and Hannah and Ellen had gone to the village to purchase some fabric along with food; Ethan had gone with them to make sure they stayed safe; and Peter was also in village but taking a role of a merchant for the day, selling his carvings. Kate loved his carvings, they were always so intricate and beautiful. It was just a shame that not everyone saw his work as she did, otherwise he would have none to sell and there would be lots of money for the family to buy new things!

Sighing at her loneliness, Kate glanced out of the window and saw that the sun was shining, the sky clear of clouds. Well, if she had no one to talk to, she would just go on yet another exploration mission. Chuckling to herself she hurried to her room to change out of her dress and into more suitable clothing before hurrying out of the door and disappearing into the woods. The peace of the woods greeted her as she ran through the trees, letting loose a carefree laugh. Her worries seemed to fall away any time she took off through the woods.

It was not long before an uneasy feeling passed through her. Kate paused and peered around at her surroundings, looking for a possible source before giving herself a little shake. There’s nothing to be afraid of, she thought to herself, I know these woods like the back of my hand… Taking another look around she began to walk towards the river, the best spot she knew to sit and think. It also helped that there was a good patch of sweet berries next to the river she could take back home for Hannah to make her special berry pies. Kate reached her favourite spot moments later and made herself comfortable lying on the ground. The grass was soft beneath her back, and the sound of the water moving in the nearby river was so soft, Kate found herself falling into a light sleep.

While Kate slept the afternoon away, the rest of the family were making their way home from the village, bringing with them various items from foods to fabrics. Peter had a rather successful day selling his carvings, and Ethan took the opportunity to explore the market and to view what each stall had to offer. During the day, whilst wandering around, Ethan spotted and unusual group of people wandering through the market. It was commonplace for new merchants to appear selling their items, but it was a whole different story for others to appear. It had sparked his curiosity and caused him to track their movements.

It was easy to see that these men had some military training, perhaps as soldiers for one king or another. It was all in the way they moved, the ability to move through the crowds like running water. Most people didn’t pay attention to them but Ethan noticed that these men were taking a good look at everything, not the items for sale in the market but the people and buildings. To Ethan, this seemed highly irregular so mentioned it to Peter on the journey home.

“Don’t worry brother, I’m sure they were just travellers.” Peter responded to the possibility. “Anyway, why would they pay attention to the people here? We’re not exactly the most interesting of people!” Both lads laughed at that, knowing that the village was rather dull every day except for market days.

“I don’t know Peter. There was something suspicious about them, like they had been soldiers at one point. And the way they were looking at everyone. You can’t tell me that is normal behaviour for visitors to the village.” Argued Ethan. Peter paused, halting momentarily allowing his mother and sister to walk further ahead.

“Ethan, I suggest you drop it. Do not say a word about them when we get home, it’s best if mother does not here of this.”

“What? Why?” A confused look crossed Ethan’s face at the serious tone of Peter’s voice. It was out of the ordinary for Peter to have such a serious manner when talking with Ethan, it was usually reserved for his sisters.

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