Chapter 19

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"Chase?" I whispered. His jaw was tense, his teeth were clenched. His eyes held a hardness I have yet to see from him. "It'll be okay."

I reached up to rub his arm. He quickly flicked my wrist away, almost as if discussed. My breath caught, tears brimmed my eyes heavily. "Chase?" My broken whisper called out.

"Set up a funeral for tomorrow. Right after a pack meeting will be held. To hell what your fucking mate said. I'm taking over both packs." I just nodded obediently, not wanting to anger him further. I could tell his wolf was edging through his cracks.

"And find that damn brother of yours." He ordered, in Alpha tone. I flinched at the harshness, but he didn't even look at me. I know he was hurting from the loss, but he didn't have to hurt me too.

My heart broke into a million little pieces. My heart broke for him. For his mothers death, for his fathers death. My heart broke for myself. I'm stuck without a mate, my molesting brother, and a newly angry alpha that seems to no longer care for me. I'm just screwed through and through.

I just need to calm down. Chase is grieving he still loves me. He would never purposely put me in harms way. He knows nothing will happen, he already put Matt in his place. I'll be fine. He just needs time.

I walked down the stairs from our room, and began to search for Matt. Never in my life have I ever searched for him. I'm normally avoiding him. Following his scent down a hallway, I finally came to a room where his scent was strongest. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

"What?' His voice called out roughly.

"Alpha Chase wants to see you." I spoke firmly. The door flew open, and I came face to face with a still slightly battered Matt.

"Oh. My darling sister. They let you get me without a body guard? How incredibly dumb..." He shook him head in a menacing way.

"Stop it Matt. You won't lay a hand on me. Go to the Alpha." I growled, but fear was still in the pit of my stomach.

"Whatever you say baby." He grabbed me by the butt, and dragged me close to him. I squirmed and push, as his lips met my jawline. He gentle kissed and sucked, before letting me go. "Just a kiss for the road." He winked before leaving me in the door way. I watched him walk away and slid down the door. I didn't cry. I couldn't. Both of Chases parents had just died. I had dealt with Matt for years, I could handle it. I need to be strong for Chase.

I watched him walk away till he was completely gone. Then I stood up, composed myself, and walked back into the kitchen, and began preparing lunch for the pack. My world may be falling apart, but the kids still need to eat.

After feeding all of the packs kids I made my way upstairs, heading for Chase and my's room.

I went to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He had locked it... he didn't want me with him.

"Chase? Please...." I knocked on the door. Tears began streaming down my face, the brave, strong front I had up all day began withering away. Melting away. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor, leaning on the door for support as I quietly sobbed.

Suddenly the door was ripped open to reveal an angry Alpha. I quickly scrambled up to be eye to eye with Chase.

"Leave. Now. You are disturbing us." He motioned to my brother behind him.

"Yes Alpha." I looked him in his completely black eyes. I quickly ducked my head under his intense gaze, and ran away. His wolf.

"Tucker?" I ran over and knocked on his door crying even harder. The door was opened quickly his panicked eyes greeting me and quickly assessing my body for any physical damage, then he pulled me in wrapping me in his arms. He allowed me to just cry without any questions, and for that I was grateful...

After about two hours of crying Tucker finally spoke. "Lexi. What's wrong?" He whispered still holding me tightly.

"Chase has gone full alpha. He didn't even- he ordered me..." my whispering faded into silent tears. My heart ached.

"Sh it's okay sweetie." He held me tightly to him and I soothed myself by counting out his heart beats.

Waking up the next morning was awful. I guess I had fallen asleep crying last night, so Tucker had put me in his bed and the poor guy slept on the floor. I stretched and a few tears stung in my eyes as I thought about what the day held. More orders from Chase.

I wish I could avoid him altogether, but I needed to get clothes out of our room.

I stepped over Tucker's sleeping body, not wanting to disturb him. After all I kept him up most of the night crying.

I quietly opened the door to Chase and I's room to find it empty. I released a huge puff of air, and made my way to the closet. Deciding on a white shirt, and my favorite pair of faded and holey jean shorts. I was standing in just the shorts and a bra when I heard the door knob turn. I was frozen in place when I heard the door push open. I cast a glance over my shoulder to see Chase's black eyes staring at me in discuss.

"Please cover your body. I do not wish to see it at the moment." He growled.

"What the hell Chase? Why the sudden 180? I can't deal with this!" I screamed at him not caring that I was in just a black lace bra. "I can't. I need my loving Chase, the one that almost killed my brother for hurting me, not the one that kicks me away when I'm crying. I love you so so much Chase. You're my everything, don't do this."

He just stared blankly at me. "Make sure you get the whole pack at the funeral in time, and don't let anyone leave after. They all need to be there when Matt and I battle for alpha rank."

My eyes flew open wide. He can't fight for the rank! It'll be a fight to the death.

"Please don't Chase! Please don't fight. You can't get hurt. Please! Think about everything you've told me. You don't do fights for ranks! Please!" I sobbed grabbing into his arm.

"Get dressed then leave." He boomed in his Alpha voice.

I cowered and whimpered throwing on a my shirt, before running out of the room.

This is a wreck.

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