Chapter 5

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Lexi's POV

School was a breeze, up until PE. When I arrived to the gym, I went up to one of the female coaches and told them my little spill about being new that I had given to all of my teachers so far. They were all kind, and either explained what was going on to me, or assigned someone else in the classroom too. However little miss bitchy coach over here stared blankly at me. I had no idea what to do. She was basically looking straight through me. She didn't even grunt at my presence. So finally I just said, "Would you please get me a uniform?" I truly tried to keep the sass out of my tone, but I'm not quite sure if I did a good enough job.

I felt bad after it left my mouth, I was never disrespectful to teachers. Or anyone really. And now here I am, practically ordering her around! She obviously didn't like what I said either, because she started to yell at me. I took a few cautious steps back, shrinking into myself.

"Listen here you little brat! I will not be disrespected in such a way-" her demeanor suddenly shifted, and her gaze went behind me. I turned around to see my knight and shining armor.

"Finish that sentence Luce." Chase commanded, not full alpha tone, but you could hear his power. She bowed her head to him.

"Sorry Sir. I mean no disrespect to you. This stupid girl here just wasn't listening..." She trailed off as his glare hardened.

"You will respect my girl. Do you understand?" She nodded her head quickly. "We will be going to get her uniform now, understood?" He didn't wait for a response, instead he pulled me into a nearby closet. Shutting the door, and flicking on a light quickly. He grabbed me so fast, I didn't even realize what he was doing until my back hit the door, and his lips meet mine. I moaned lightly when his teeth grazed my bottom lip. Finally he pulled away.

"I've wanted to do that all day." He whispered, his forehead rested on mine.

Instead of replying I kissed his nose. Then wiggled out of his hold, turning around to the shelves. "Come on boy, I need my uniform." I started to look around for one, but I couldn't find any. When I turned to ask Chase if he had found one, he had a pained look on his face. "What's wrong sweetie?" I walked over to him, resting my palm against his slightly stubbled cheek.

"I just want to kiss you again." He whispered, pouting like a little boy. His hands resting on the small of my back.

"Sounds like you're out of luck," I winked. "We need to hurry. I don't want to be even later than we will already be!" I pulled away, still looking for those stupid gym clothes.

"Ohhhh! I found them!" I tried to reach up to the shelf they were on, but failed miserably. Before I could ask for help, I felt a hard body press against my back. I grinned to myself, enjoying our closeness. Chase reached up and easily grabbed the clothes, handing them to me he didn't move. Pressed up against me, I could feel his every muscle flex. His warmth radiated to my body, the feeling of it turned me on. I turned in his hold, to lock my lips with his. We kissed for a while, until the bell signaling that we should be dressed and outside pulled us apart.

"Come'on cutie." He pulled me out of the closet and pushed me towards the locker room. My mind was still thinking of our kiss, but I was also fairly nervous of what us being late would mean punishment wise.

I quickly slipped on the shorts, and tank top set. I quickened my pace when I realized that literally everyone else had already left the changing room. There was absolutely no other stragglers. Pushing open the door I ran into the gym. All of the girls were leaning against the far wall just chatting, and gossiping. I looked around for Chase or John, heck even Connor! I just needed a friend so I don't feel so alone. I looked around until I made eye contact with John. He waved me over. I smiled.

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