Drink a Few

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Here is the note exactly as it was written:

"I've been so stressed. Some of you probably know the hardships of losing your job. On top of that, I just got my ass kicked in my own home. I didn't know who it was, but I assumed it was a robber and reported it to the police.

When they asked for details, I had nothing. Come to think of it, I had never even seen what the guy looked like. It was in the middle of the night, and I had a few whiskeys anyway. The bruises on my cheek were enough proof that somebody was there, and hopefully cameras could locate him.

One month after that whole fiasco, my wife was murdered. It was the same goddamn guy, I know it. Again like last time, I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of the guy. It was night time. My wife and I were arguing about more of her stupid bullshit and in a flash this guy must have knocked me out, stabbed her 15 times, and ran away. The cops didn't like my story this time. I'm currently in jail as the main suspect in the murder trial. The worst part?

This goddamn guy is back. He is my bunk mate. And he says he is coming after me next. 'Says the only way he can kill me in here is with some rope and a stool.

And I believe him."

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