Chapter 10

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“I still don’t understand how we can’t find the damn family!” yelled the man.

“Sir, as much as you think your men are stupid we really did search every area. We even harassed the surrounding people to the point of death on certain occasions. They seemed to have just disappeared.”

“Nobody escapes me, nobody! I personally will find this family if I have to and kill them my selves!” he shouted, slamming his fist on the table.

“Why don’t we go after another family and forget about them for a while. You know they always come back,” said the second in charge.

“No not this time. If the royal family dies then everyone else will all lose hope,” answered the leader.

“Boss, the Kingdom hasn’t existed for about ten years now. They won’t care if their leaders are dead or not.”

“Please don’t let me reconsider you being my second in charge,” grumbled the massive man as he grabbed on to the edge of the table. “The tigers are extremely loyal to their leader even if the pack is broken up. Everyone will be distraught which will leave them vulnerable.”

“So what do you propose we do then?”

“We need to start contacting our people in other countries. First try the surrounding ones and then we’ll expand. I don’t care if this takes six months or ten years, I will find them.”

Brutus stood up and began to march back and forth. This family was the last thing standing in his way of total domination. Once they were gone he wouldn’t have any more distractions. Then he could move to other nations and follow the path his father was taking. All these worthless animals would bow at his feet and nothing would be able to stop his wolf army.

He looked at his friend and placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry we’ll kill them”

“Never doubted you old friend, now let’s go have a drink.”


Jonathan was sitting on the floor picking at his shoes when Lilly finally pulled up. Abby was in the backseat, giving him a beaming smile while Lilly just looked tired. He jumped in and greeted them both with a nod before placing his forehead against the cold window. It was cloudy out so the top was up on the car.

“Tired?” asked Lilly as she cast a sideways glance at Jonathan.

“A little, I stayed up late doing homework. I had to study a bit since I hadn’t done some of this school work for a while.”

“Hey Jon,” chirped Abby.

Lilly smiled as Jonathan winced at his nickname. They had agreed that only she could call him Johnny anyone else doing it would bother him a lot.

“Could you please call me Jonathan?” he asked, trying to keep his voice level.

“Sure sorry about that. Do you want to study together today after school? I thought maybe we could help each other out in chemistry since we both have the same teacher.”

“Yeah sounds cool,” said Jonathan as he kept his forehead against the glass.

Lilly felt a little surge of irritation but she wasn’t sure if it was from the two of them hanging out or because she had to be their personal chauffeur. She shook the intrusive thoughts from her head and continued to drive with a scowl on her face. As soon as they pulled up to school she yanked the keys out of the ignition and jumped out of the car. The other two followed and Abby looked a little shocked.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, running to catch up to Lilly.

“Yeah just a bit tired from doing homework.”

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