Chapter 12

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The rest of the weekend had gone by pretty quickly and Lilly was dreading Monday. When she received that phone call from Jonathan a pit had formed in her stomach. To top it all off Abby and Ryan were obsessed with each other. If she wasn’t sucking his face off then they were texting constantly. For the first time in her life she felt utterly alone. Normally her solitude was by choice but this time it was forced. She was just starting to like Jonathan because he was so much like her but that friendship was suddenly ripped from her grasp. Even her parents couldn’t cheer her up.

Lilly pulled up to Jonathan’s place and found him already waiting outside. His face was expressionless and his demeanor cold. He sat down in the passenger seat and quickly looked at her before facing the window.

“Hey,” he mumbled.


The ride there was uncomfortable for the both of them. Jonathan shifted in his seat anxiously while Lilly bit the corner of her lip. It was hard to be friends one day and then be nothing the next. As soon as they pulled up to the school Jonathan jumped out and practically jogged to class. Lilly shook her head in defeat. They had the same class together so it was pointless for him to try and run away from her. He was only delaying the inevitable.

Lilly sat down in her chair next to Jonathan and started to read her book. She was already up to chapter eight which meant she would finish her project early. She read a line in the book and her heart dropped in stomach.

"He had ceased to express his fondness for her in words, and recoiled with angry suspicion from her girlish caresses, as if conscious there could be no gratification in lavishing such marks of affection on him."

Even though it wasn’t exactly what she was going through it still made her a bit depressed. Jonathan seemed to be doing just fine which made her sink even further in her wallowing depression. She stared at the clock and booked it out of the room as soon as the bell rang.

She took a seat in her second period class and sighed when Jonathan came in a moment later. He sat down next to her and started to browse the internet.

“It’s Call of Duty again today,” announced the teacher. “Please remember to not tell your parents that we are playing these games.”

Lilly turned on her computer and decided it was time to get some aggression out. The entire time she personally hunted Jonathan down and kept killing him. During the last round he slammed his mouse on the pad and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Point proven,” growled Jonathan.

She gave him a pouty face before resuming her complete domination of all the students. The bell rang and Jonathan snatched up his things and stormed out of the classroom. After pissing him off and evoking some kind of emotion she felt a bit better. The few other classes went by pretty quickly until lunch came. She was still dreading sitting by herself. Lilly walked over to the tree and wasn’t surprised when nobody was there. She put in her headphones and slumped down against the smooth bark. She watched as the other students walked by and joked with each other. Lilly shrugged and just shut her eyes, taking in the heat from the sun.

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